Thursday, 27 May 2010

Roleplaying chat rule changes

For a lot of people this blog post wont be for you, but recently I've had complaints of people copying and pasting very lengthy bios in the RP chats & users feel "pushed out" because of the amount of text just being copied and pasted flooding the chat.

After seeing someone (not mentioning names) posting 16 posts in a row describing their Bio (&others), I have made the following changes...

Role-play chat 1 is dedicated to longer RPers.
- Twice the maximum character count in posts than before
- Allowed to post up to 3 full length posts in a row
- The amount of posts displayed in the chat is doubled

Role-play chat 2 is dedicated to to shorter quick RPs
- Same character length as before
- Anything than more than 3 posts in a row is considered spam.
- No more than 1 line bios are allowed

It is not necessary for you to paste paragraphs of bio into the chat, that is not what it's for. Go ahead and give yourself a small 1 post introduction, but do not flood the chat with bios, if you have a bio that is that long either RP in the forum or put the bio in your profile. If you are feel "pushed out" in RP 1 please go to RP 2.

The rules for each chat are located on the chat page, so please make sure you read them before you RP in there again.

The warnings and bannings will be given out on the mods descection as per the rules. Any problems, please let me know.

Couple new daily quests hopefully coming tomorrow and more story quests are in the works!



Kyle Nitas said...


Anonymous said...

cool stuff -aid

Anonymous said...

just ban all the rp noobs

~The Alchemist

Anonymous said...

I have a suggestion... Why not just create a RP Bio Thread, and have it serve as the area for all RPrs to post their back story/Bio...
It would relieve the congestion of the actual RP, and give others a place to read up on those the RP with at their leisure?

DarkAsh said...

@Anonymous - Just use your profile. It's there for things like this.

Nakiri said...

Alrighty... I can be happy with this

Anonymous said...

I'm fine with this change; however, I'd also ask that measures be taken to prevent certain immature and power abusing douche-bags from spamming Wizard of Oz in the RP chats, thus disrupting things far more than any "longer than usual posts" ever possibly could.

Anonymous said...

@The Alchemist - You were a noob too at one time, so shut the hell up and stop showing your stupidity.

Anonymous said...

go ahead ash ur just rite

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but ash... you have just degraded role playing that little bit further. its already horrible enough to see all the text talk and everything the noobs are producing these days. Creating the role play chats degraded the role play level down. This is taking it further. This is why i hardly role play on RoB. the level of creativity in role playing is that low, it is shocking. that's my piece said. - Kinky Alaron

Anonymous said...

Yeah the whole post after post of their suicidal emo shit was getting old. When it takes up your entire screen in chat.. I can understand why other players felt "shut out" by that.

Anonymous said...

Awesome stuff.

Demon_eyes said...

Just amke a room from long Rper's then.

Anonymous said...

Wickedddd!!!! haha i like the change its awesome :D

Anonymous said...

I'm confused.

Guildythewicked said...

Demon_eyes: That's what this whole thing was about HE HAS Made a room for long RPers. It's called RP chat 1.

Anonymous said...

More quest that rocks!

Anonymous said...

I think it's nice Ash, and thank you for keeping us all updated. And i like it actually, even though some of the...newer players, are not getting it, mods are keeping it under control.
~Lady Miyo

master chief spartan said...

it is much better now , your awsome Ash

Anonymous said...

Think's Ash should re-think having Jesse as a chat mod. For he bitch's about everyone following the rules, but him, and his little posse apparently doesn't have to abide by them. Must be fun to be Jesse's pet group, cause you get to do as you wish.

Role play chat said...

Nice and informative article!!! I like this. I think everybody should read this article.

Phone Sex said...

Interesting article!!! I like role playing and being played by someone when caught secretly. Also I like to tease sweet girls with their sweet pussy licking for a long time and let them do nothing.

Phone Sex said...

I just love role playing. And I will love it whatever the rules will be…

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I just like phone sex before having sex…
Relationship is only a feeling you give importance to.

seema said...


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