Sunday, 2 May 2010
May 2010 Competition!
I've decided to set this months competition in the dreaded underground. The turn draining evil place is full of hidden shiny worthless gems. I would really appreciate if you down there and get as many as you can. They are scattered everywhere and as far as I know there is no limit to the amount of gems down there. So what's in it for you? There will be 3 winners which will be the 3 vampires that finds the most amount of gems by May 31st. It's an entire month away, so you'll have to decide hard whether to invest your turns into this. The beauty of it is, you wont know where you are in comparison to other players. Around 3 days before the end (the 28thish) I will post a leader-board of the top 10 gem finders. Oh this will be fun.
1st prize: 365 VIP Days, 100 VIP+ Days, 50 Plasma
2nd prize: 180 VIP Days, 50 VIP+ Days, 10 Plasma
3rd prize: 100 VIP Days, 21 VIP+ Days, 5 Plasma
Do you wish to take the gamble to win these prizes? Or just leave it for someone to enjoy? That's up to you. PLEASE MAKE SURE you are over rank 10 on the 31st May or you cannot win any prize regardless if you're a winner. (I will be working on the underground over the month but this competition won't change). The gems are not and will not be tradable.
Invest your turns wisely.
The 4th birthday special and all related to the event will be removed tonight.
See you down under.
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Well then this will be a hard call for myself and others as well. None the less it shall be fun.
thats shit... why rank 15, doesnt really matter what rank you are doest it
Cool :P
damn u ash making us waste turns like this.... well lets see who wins -_-
Hey losers. Want to call Ash a wanker & say how shit everything he does is? First grow some balls & stop hiding behind anonymous. Tw@s.
@Anonymous helps stop people making multis and milk the turns off another account then just send their main account the plasma.
Do we have to sign up for this or will you check everyone's gem collections?
Ash why cant you keep it then rank at 5 or 10
the rank 15 things is stupid.there are many players under rank 15 .so it fails...
Ash already explained why the rank limit. Also the people under rank 15 should probably be using their turns for something a little more beneficial to their character, like training.
And actually, he said rank 10, not 15.
Well, I shall join. I need extra power to suck blood away from vampires!!!
Woot! I'll go get my spelunking gear!!!
It has been reduced to rank 10, but if the reason is because those under rank 10 should be using turns more beneficially, well the reward of a years VIP and 50 plasma (150 stat gain) is plenty beneficial.
I won't be joining in however as, for me, the underground is cripplingly slow to work.
oh my goodness, some of you people are real whinny pansies, if you think it is a waste of turns then just don't play and just don't worry about it! i think it is a brilliant idea and a great change of pace/scenery to the game! i am up for the challenge and aim to getting this prize no matter what! good thinking Ash! thanks for keeping RoB entertaining and different!
yea i have been waiting for some compotition
Why don't you put a running leader board up sooner? Why only 3 days before the end? Why not put it up now so we can see where we stand? I mean if someone has 1000 gems & I only have 100, well there really is no way to catch them so save me some turns.
This is awesome...I hate to use the turns atm..just cuz been training so hard, but hey is worth it if work hard enough and get those juicy prizes;) *runs off for the underground* hehehe
i found 10 Gems. now what do i do
It's a good way to get some of the achievements done at the same time so I'll be doing it. I've been training like a fiend lately so this can me time off :)
You... Bloody fooking wanker... Trying to drive us all to insanity....
-stomps off to the Underground-
I love this idea, but the people who use heaps of turns and dont win are gonna go crazy. You should give a small prize to other players if they get like 500 gems or something. Even if they just get a few ap or qp itll be way better than nothing.
Im gonna try and win, but i never win anything so this probably wont be any different :(
Wow Ash... Talk about throwing a pigeon to the cats... LOL... Nice one. Meaow! PMSL.
I love the idea and shinny things make me happy thanks
Lol we love you ash and I will enjoy hearing about the winner I myself do not think I will get that lucky to find enought to even place so I will sit and watch turns wasted like never before (hehe you should join me and we'll drink a beer and laugh at the grumbling masses)
At least reinstate the Double turns Dealie! DAMMIT!
Why bother? It will go to a friend of Ash's anyway.
Ash is not like that, and stop hiding urself behind anonymous cuz its just dumb, if u dont like the way Ash is running the game then just quiet, dont come on anymore find something better to do with ur life rather then sit here and TRY to make Ash feel bad cuz u think he's running the game wrong, i think its awesome he's doing it this way
Way to go Ash!!! Again. lol As always you come up with interesting comps! And as always, thanks for all you do to make the game more fun! :)
:( Im a very low rank... oh well I guess ill still look for shiny stuffs.
Meh, those of us who can't spend 100% of turns from day one and who have bad luck will win nothing but spend around... 15000 turns on doing this... I'd rather put them in normal training where I'm guaranteed a minimum of 150 stats, or a maximum of 450, depending on my luck. =) (Where as the guy with most time and luck here gets 150 stats+365 VIP days, GL with being the most lucky guy in RoB ppl!) =D
It isn't a complete waste of time everyone. I have been using 1/2 of my turns to train and 1/2 to search for gems (Around 600 turns in each) and I already have a horde of gems, gotten closer to my Achievements for the Underground, and still increased my stats with a chance for 50 Plasma and 365 VIP days! Not too shabby I think. Oh! And for anyone considering getting VIP+, it is worth it! I love the new 30-second free heal over the 60-second and the extra 5k a day interest! Thanks Ash!
~R.A.D. ~ "The Bio Guy"
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