Lots of quests added today! Check them out...
- Laundering
- Royal Flush
- Unknown task I
- Unknown task II
- Unknown task III
- Unknown task IV
- Unknown task V
The big ass story quest has been started. I'll be working on that each day until its done. I'm sat down with a pen a paper (that still exists?) jotting down ideas. Thanks for all your input so far, i hope you'll be pleased with the result.
Monday, 16 November 2009
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Yes Ash. Pen and paper do in fact still exist.:p
Wonderful , its not boring ,,I like the new Quest,,Thank you,,Smiles,
Hello Ash,
Thank you for all your hard work and the new quests. I will be looking forward to that story of yours.....
Thanks for all the new Quests Ash! And way to go on the start of the "big ass story!" :D
YAY!!! Love new quests! Thanks Ash!!
For the quest Royal Flush it says pick one of the games in the Casino in the Dead City. I tried the Roulette but it did not work, only the Numbers Guessing Game worked. Otherwise all looks great, thank you for the great game.
Yeah that's right.
Ash Hon you are the Bomb! Thanks for always updating and keeping the game fun. Oh, and I can't wait to begin the "Big Ass" story quest. :)
pen and paper exist still *looks at his laptop* ill stick with that over pen and paper.
Pen? Paper? Yes.. I think I came cross some of that in a museum once. :D haha
Thanks for all the great new quests, Ash! :) Can't wait for the "big ass story" lol
*curses Ash and his compelling quests*
I'll never get anything done now! lol
Is the site down? Can't seem to login? I was able to login 9 hours ago.
These quests are devilish ash
Speaking of quests, can you guys click on my link? http://reignofblood.net/link.php?n=197079
The new Quests keep me bis,,I Love it,,,
Those Co-Op Quests ,,I enjoy a lot,,,
I look forward to helping other,,,Helping others is a big dill to me,,Thank You for all the Quests,,,
And now even more quests!! *shakes fist* So addictive!
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