Thursday, 25 February 2010

Firefox is your friend.

On March 1st every windows PC in Europe will be asked if they want to change browser from Internet Explorer which comes bundled with every Windows PC. Blah blah basically Microsoft lost the right (not sure how) to force users with IE. Now they have to give the user the option to install other browsers right away, most people don't understand computers very much and use IE as its given to them. That changes from March 1st, you'll get a new option come up asking to if you want to install a new browser.

Choose Firefox or Chrome.

I use both, and they are both fantastic browsers. RoB runs the fastest in those browsers and i develop the site with them. Even though i test each browser, the game looks and plays the best in Firefox and Chrome.(Of course this is just my opinion)


If you are using Internet Explorer right now you can jump ahead and download firefox using the button below, if you haven't used it yet... download it now. You'll never look back on IE.

Spread Firefox Affiliate Button

Congratulations to Theo winning just over $20,000,000 on last weeks lottery. This weeks lottery is currently up to $16,000,000, so hopefully someone else will be made rich this week. Due to how well its going I think its very liked, so after there has been a successful rollover I will take it out of Beta. Thank you for all your feedback on the feature  so far!



Anonymous said...


DarthSpongebob 126464 said...

not really, but you use chrome so +1 respect :D

126464 said...

DAMN YOU ANNONYMOUS! so close to being first

Theo DeathSpirit said...

Thanks Ash. And I'm with ya on any decision or change you wish to make :) ur the man

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey I use Chrome 2 Ash and I agree with u much more faster then IE! cheeers mate

Legion White Tiger said...

Yep. I also use Firefox and Chrome. Firefox has lots of cool add-ons, and chrome takes up less memory for those people using older or lower spec machines. :)

AdmetaConstantine^9 said...

Chrome For The win ^^

Anonymous said...

Firefox is the only way to go.. IE...blah!

Anonymous said...

yes chrome is good another good move is go linuxs with wine or crossover,,best move i did

Anonymous said...

Micro soft lost its case in Europe for not giving people an option. So they have to do this and lost alot of money.

Anonymous said...

another good option to firefox is opera (just my point of view^^)

Anonymous said...

Tis the truth. once i started using firefox i burned my IE undies :)

Toxic Blood [Carlisle]197633 said...

What about Promo Codes?

Anonymous said...

I use Opera. So shoulld I switch to firefox?

Anonymous said...

Will you stop asking about Promo Codes already. It is getting old seeing that every time.

DarkChaos said...

Ash I hope this doesnt make you mad. I need your help in the jailed forum on Reign of Blood please. If you cant I understand.

Blood Shard said...

Firefox,,Love it ,,
Fast an dependable,,

Whiz said...

I use Chrome at home, and I love it. I like the ability to reduce the menu bar to almost nothing, giving you a larger display.

Anonymous said...

I do like the way the lottery is running now but I also liked the $250 I won from time to time :p

Kashka DeLaRosa said...

I also use Opera, how much better is Chrome than Opera if it is at all?

#47 said...

Opera rules. I swear by it, even if those silly "Web 2.0" types don't test in it... yet :P

Anonymous said...

well i had fire fox once but didn't download it right... so i took your advice n clicked ur link n i love firefox:p its great

†Juggalette Izzy† (//_-,) (200221) said...

ALSO! Firefox prevents some viruses, because think about it, if you were trying to infect someones computer which place would you put it, on Internet Explorer, the one in which a whole bunch of people use, or in Firefox the one in which is not as popular as IE? Internet Explorer is where they would put a virus... So Firefox saves your computer too if you think about it. ;)

Gabriella DeathWish said...

Use nothing but FireFox...though I do have Chrome downloaded into my system, FF, is my choice.:) IE, sucks, and my virus security will not even let me try to use it, if that tells you anything. For years, IE has had a huge hole so to speak in it, and can't believe that some still use it with the other options out there. Then they cry about viruses and such; but won't listen on changing the
As always Ash, Doing Great!!! :) Much Love!!!
~Gabriella Fidela~

Anonymous said...

Too true.. I fell in love with FF within an hour. My IE icon has since been dissed and dismissed. ~Sinara

Anonymous said...

Still no announcement about the 2nd and 3rd place winners of the Jan/Feb contest.

Anonymous said...

I~~~~~~~M BA~~~~~~CK!!!!!
I've been using FireFox for a LOOOONG time now. It's just that good :)

100k to whoever can figure out who I am in game and mail me!!!! XDDDD

Anonymous said...

I have tried using IE to play RoB but I prefer it on I am with you all the way ash ^^

Raven Lasombra Silverfang

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