Thursday, 5 August 2010
Summer server plasma special
Very unfortunately we've had some fraudulent payments and they've all been reversed. It doesn't help seeing I have a huge ass server bill this month. So I've decided to run a 1 week summer server special!
So for 1 weeks you can get your hands on some cheap cheap plasma and VIP! Head over to the Buy VIP for further information.
In order to tempt you with a purchase, buying any of the plasma packs gets you until next Friday to use the PREMIUM gym which can give you up to x0.04 (instead of the current x0.03 max, but because non VIP max is x0.02 they get x0.03 max for using the premium gym) result for your turns. Everyone has access to this premium gym until 10am game time (6th Aug), but after that only for the people who purchase a special plasma pack will gain access to this premium gym.
Non-VIPs: x0.01 - x0.03 (instead of x0.01 - x0.02)
VIPs: x0.01 - x0.04 (instead of x0.01 - x0.03)
VIP+: x0.02- x0.04 (instead of x0.02 - x0.03)
The special will end next Friday the 13th (spooky). The premium gym will close on this date too.
More quests incoming very soon...
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that's a good idea.
Good... Thanks Ash :)
Love it thanks ash
It sucks that you've had fraudulent purchases Ash ... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! People if you want the plasma to boost yourself fine ... but don't screw Ash or anyone else in the process! I'm so sick of people cheating in one way or the other ... because they have no clue what gamemanship is! Thanks Ash ... for the special and everything else you do. As for the others ... go find another game to screw up!!!
So wait. They screwed you of money, So you don't have enough to pay the server bill?
That's bull shit -Scuse my language- But, why screw you of money if it screws us of a game?
Ash, Sorry to hear about the bad payments.
But the Specials are awesome. Thanks.
Looking forward to the Quests!
it's OK! :)
"run a 1 week summer server special to help re-coop some of those losses. "
damn all the specials run at the wrong time for me.. but nice anyway.
Sorry to hear about your bad payments Ash :( Love the idea of the premium gym as incentive, but could the extended time be given to those who purchase VIP or VIP+? If I buy plasma, I don't have to train at the gym. Just a suggestion for next time.
It sounded good. Until I realized that ONLY plasma packs get the premium gym. SO they buy plasma packs AND benefit from better training. Yup that sounds fair.
Got to say I'm not surprised. I've encountered a crapload of obvious plasma junkies lately. When I get taken out by a player that's under a month old and my stats aren't shabby, I know that there's been some juicing going on.
It's seems like there should be a limit on how much plasma you can use in a month just like there's a limit on how many turns you can train with.
Non plasma buyers are able to use the premium gym by going to the address.
Thanks to the premium gym system, I got a little more chances to get my stats a little higher. Which is great. :D And now, why wouldn't you try and make some improvements and nice bonus stuff for the AP? I'd need moar AP ;____; (Gaah.)
Just purchased regular VIP summer pack. The premium gym is now closed for all non premium members! SO to answer your question anonymous, not anymore. He gave it for yesterday only.
I hope you jailed, or more to the point - DELETED!, these users' accounts from RoB so they are banished for all times...
I hope you'll make a premium gym available to VIP+ players at some time in the future... hint-hint
Lol hurry up and give me my plasma, got 800 turns waiting to go on the premium gym but can't access it without the plasma :D
I might have gone for it if I'd had a little more notice... I get that things sometimes don't work that way. This time, the advantage reduced too quickly for me. Maybe next time... See you at Halloween. ;)
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