Monday, 9 August 2010
OMG New homepage design
As you've might already have noticed we've upgraded our home page design again. There are several reasons for this.
- The old one was too top image heavy, meaning people with lower resolutions had to scroll down to start seeing the content, which is an inconvenience.
- More room! With 2 columns now we have more space to play with.
- Drawing the player in. There was no suck in power on the last layout, the emphasis was put on the login table. Now it's centered around that PLAY NOW button, which will be hard to resist.
- To able to screen a screen-wide header image
- Easily show off in game features
Of course there will be negative reviews about this layout, but that doesn't matter as you only have to see it when you login! The homepage is primarily for attracting new players. The more you use this new homepage, the more it grows on you. We've been playing around with it for at least a week and I really prefer it. Its already proven to be a success with better conversion rates from new potential players. Might make some more tweaks here and there but that top header is awesome and is here to stay!
I hope you're all enjoying the cheap plasma & using it at the new plasma shop? Yum Yum.
Take care,
P.S if you cannot see the new layout yet, clear you cache.
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great page. kudos
It's awesome, I like it alot ^^
yeah the layout is pretty shit.....
jokes, loving it. Kudos Ash.
I can see the page just fine. However when I log in I get this:
Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
* Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Im using FF btw.
Yup, log in needs fixing! I have to click the alternative button, cos it doesn't log in after 5 seconds. Not a big problem but annoying nonetheless.
The following message shows
"Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
* Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem."
LOVE IT!!!!!
itz really koolz XD
... Um... Not seeing how your efforts were expended wisely, but hey, I'm still using 'Lite', I get more on my screen that way.
get the same Coding error..can't sign in at all
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
all fixed and got in..does look so Great Tho...LUV it!!! Awesome Job as always Ash!!!
Looks good, I guess I'll just have to get used to typing in the side instead of the center, but hey, it looks awesome. :)
I Love it Ash <3 Great job. When I log in with my email, I get an error. I have to use the ID log in. Bummer. Great job though.. I like it way better then the previous one. :)
Cleared cache and still getting:
Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
* Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Very nice Ash.....good job, looks great.
Sorry for double post: but tried both Email address and ID. Neither worked.
I love the page! Looks amazing! And I won't even mention how it looks like there is an octopus with a face either. :p
Cool. Awesome job on the homepage. Looks great.
Heh ummm the email worked, when I had the correct email address. Heh heh * kicks dirt * Um right... * runs off*
Should you not be focusing more on making the game better and not the home page? :P
I like it, granted it reminds me of one of my school systems but personally i prefer the new homepage to the old one
OMG ASH you scared the livin sh*T out of me lol. But great new homepage!!!
LolAsh. Love the new design. Itscared me so much when I got on and bam, new page.
Looks good but still having issues.
Unsure if it's connected but at TOH making a kill logged me out.
Cool as ever! This is an outstanding design. Livelier than ever.
Looks great, top job.
When I go to log in an error message comes up and I can't log in.
i don't know about everyone else, but i like the new homepage. it looks much better.
I like the new homepage but I keep getting an encoding error so I can't actually log in. >_>
The new homepage looks epic Ash. :)
I kike it..
It did give me a problem getting on,
But it finaly let me
Thank you Ash.. Hugs.
This is a gr8 thing. it might help ppl come here more instead of not playing it. gr8 and marvolus idea.
Great new look. Very sharp and impressive... Love the quote by Anti... but shouldn't it be 'heart and soul' not "heart and sole" :P
shows up on windows7 with alienware.
Well done Ash it looks great and i like how you can see how many people are online and how many new people have signed up. Love it!!
Um... You just made us look like all the others... I hope that was your intent... It seems to me that we've lost something unique... yet again?
Good ridance to Dark's awful artwork.
Where did your USP go? You're losing it boy... LOL ;)
Thanks guys. Ive put the old layout back on the login screen, i'll see whats causing the encoding error.
It's very well done, I like it...I saw it when I went on earlier, it was awesome xD
Hate the new layout... sorry but I do.
I couldn't find how to login D: I prefer the old one. D:
The new homepage looks awesome Ash :D If I wasn't already a member, I soooo would have joined up :p
Very nice Ash ... it most definitely "pops" as they say. =) I shall miss Dark's artwork ... I loved it! :D I've also had some issues with login so hope the bugs are gone soon! Well done as always Ash!
... I made this one too. ^_~
It's really good... XD
We Are Not All Plasma Whores -k-
I personally like it, but I've noticed that since its advent, I can no longer use "kill lists" I've created. I keep getting the message "server not available..." etc. Of course, this might not have to do with the change you've made, but it's started only since.
I wish my testimonial said it was from me, not from Anti. It was a marginal-at-best witticism coming from it just makes Anti look like a bad speller. :d
I dont know if that has been posted before, but if you want to attract more players you should add some pictures to desing
This is so much better. It was so bad before it was an embarrassment to send out to friends and other gamers so I didn't do it. I will now send it out so the number of players will increase with this.
hey new page is awesome but u should make it easier to login with ID.hope u give some look at my comment.
Can you at least make the login button large enough for my cursor? Thanks.
LOOOVE IT!!! It's awesome, Ash! Kudos to you! =]
I have a suggestion for the new homepage.. change the security log in page (where it logs you out automatically) to match it so they're more consistent :) Other than that it looks really good!
Love it, Ash.
Noo, Now you've changed the idle logout page too?
It was far easier to just type in your ID and go again, now I have to find out how to sign in with it. D:
Also, The refresh centre won't work for me, unless I tell it to auto refresh every second.
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