Thursday, 15 December 2016

A Reigning Christmas

Christmas Event

Welcome to this year's Christmas event. I'm mixing it up this year and bringing back the Plasmalympic games, as well as a couple favourites. The event will last 10 days from Friday 16th December to the end of Boxing day 26th. Enjoy, and have a great holiday.

Seasonal Slots: Santa Hat

The seasonal slot graces us once more. And as it is Christmas, the awesome Santa hats are back out to play. They are my favourite.

Christmas Tree

The DC Christmas tree has been fully erected once more, check it out daily for free stuff.

The Plasmalympic Games

It's been a while since we've had a Plasmalympic games event, so I thought it would be great to bring it back with a delightful Christmas theme this holiday season.

Elves Weight Training
The Elves are so small and weak and they are tired of being ridiculed. In order to increase their street credit among the Christmas community, they've started doing some intense work outs. Train your Strength and Toughness with the daring Elves.

Santa's Sprint
Santa is already working off his holiday weight gain. His belly is dragging him down even before the big delivery day arrives. Train your Speed with him at Santa's Sprint.

Snowmen Shooting
Can you imagine anything more cruel than shooting at something that can't move and defend themselves? Luckily, most vampires don't have pity for such situations. So go and let out your anger at the snowmen.

Reigndeer Archery
Reigndeers, not to be confused with reindeers,  are much more plump, and quite frankly, much more delicious. Even though they're much more juicy, they can be harder to catch. But why waste energy? Grab a bow and shoot the beasts!

Turkey Fencing
There is nothing more amusing than the thought of vicious animals using actual weapons against each other. Evolution will eventually give us this, but probably not in our life time. Grab a turkey and fence against other turkeys for gold.

There will be extra gold given out at the end of the event for the top fencing players.

VIP/Plasma Special

Oh, yes! To go along with this Christmas event there is of course a delicious VIP/Plasma sale for you to sink your teeth into. Click here to check them out.


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