Tuesday, 8 February 2011

New Quest log, new quests & VIP+ offer

Good afternoon vampires!

VIP+ Offer
I get so many requests for adding special offers on VIP+ days. So I've finally caved and have added one. On the VIP+ page you will see that you get 50% extra VIP+ days for the duration of the Valentines special. (Please note you will need 45 days VIP to get 45 days VIP+).

New Quest log
As more and more quests get added, the list of quest links just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It may not be a problem for the majority of people who complete them, but when a new person comes along and sees this huge list of quests, it can be a bit daunting. So using the new format I've been using, I've put them all in hidden sections, you click to the show the quests of each category. You can still see the full list if you want, just click the "Show all quests" link at the top.

New Quests!
About time we had some new quests huh? Well here they are. (All rank 10)
- Woodland search
- Woodland search II
- Woodland search III
- Woodland search IV
- Bounty Hunter
- Bounty Hunter II
- Bounty Hunter III
- Hate for a vampire
- Hate for a vampire II
- The Hanging Man

Dum dum duuuuuuum
I've also added another new quest for you all to go mental over, Metal Man III.

More to come this week, stay tuned.



Anonymous said...

Wow is all I can say. Wow.

Dark August Night said...

... damn you, Metal Man. *grumbles but heads off yo Ghost Town anyway.*

Lamis Knight said...

aarrgggg!!!!!!!!! I thought I was done with that metal mising, screw hiding , beep.... beep! You are so mean, lol. But thanks for the new quests ;D

Shardy said...

Love the new Quests ,,But the metal man,:(..hehe

Ty you Ash ,,~hugs~

Anonymous said...

Metal Man III... great... just great... >.>

Joutja Kostelai said...

Bounty quests? Lovely. Its a shame I can rarely kill them once, let alone finish the bounty.

Anonymous said...

Bounty quests, lovely. Like I can get one kill in let alone enough to finish.

Aidric said...

Awesome!!! been wanting new quests!!! bout time:p

DarkAsh said...

Don't worry about the bounty, with everyone posting some to get the quests, they'll be plenty of opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Curses to the metal man!!

112802 said...

Finally the new metal man :) I've been waiting for it. I love the angry smiley when you don't find a bolt

Alessa said...

O.O Why thank you, just in time as I was close to finishing the screws and getting a break :(
But seriously thank you for the new quests things are interesting again.

Anonymous said...

Metal man III. <3

Boudica_Iceni_Queen said...

Woooohoooo!!! It just keeps getting better and better! <3 Thanks so much Ash ... giving us more to do and with all the new looks, its totally bitchen! Well done and keep it coming. Metal Man III ... ummmm, ummmm, damnit! lol Seriously, thanks again!

Blackwidow Tsu Dragonesti said...

I HATE metal man! I'm gonna find a way to melt him down just like in Terminator 2. >.>
Bump you Ash!! (the American said that)

Anonymous said...

I hate you Ash...

Greenlee Loreto Darkmist said...

*mumbles* I'm gonna kill Ash. I'm gonna kill him dead, like with a rock or something >.> I didn't even finish the first fugging metal quest wtf you trying to do to us?! xD

亗ℒυςíƒεяα亗 said...

Damn more things to do

Eden Caelia Night-Requiem said...

I'm with Dark... damn you and that freaking metal man. xD *begrudgingly gets to work, yet again*

Fox said...

Metal man is amazing, show some respect. XD

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Not another Metal Man!!! Screw you Ash. *goes off cying*

Isobel Lynn Bellator said...

-Shakes fist, gritting her long canines- Damn you, Metal Man III!!! You are certainly going to be a pain - I haven't even finished the second one! Why do you need more Metal?! Why, why, why!!! -_- Alas, the new Quest Log looks awesome and the new Quests look cool! <3

Echoo said...

Really? Okay more fun to get stronger!

Anonymous said...

It won't let me attack the 7 day old bounty "You cannot attack players until they are 7 days old."

Anonymous said...

Why does the Metal Man need so many scrap parts? If he building a giant robot?!?!? :O

Anonymous said...

What's the touchy subject you mentioned in the last blog? I was just wondering ^_^

metal man 3??

Gah! Promise us no metal man 4...Please!!?

Anonymous said...

You better be going somewhere with this metal man shit..

Metal? Screws? Bolts? Are we suppose to build something at the end of this?!

Yuuki Cross/Kuran said...

I havent even finished Metal Man One.. >.> It gets boring collecting scraps of metal, then finding out he doesn't like that piece of metal.. Lol. Thanks anyway, Ash. :3
~ Yuuki

Guildythewicked said...

Does it really matter why we are collecting these things? We get kick ass rewards when they are done. :)

Anonymous said...

Anything causing this much moaning and groaning sounds like an irresistible challenge...on my way to find Metal Man !!!

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