Friday, 11 February 2011

Family/friends update & fave RPG status

Favourite RPG 2010
Well, we've had some fun the past couple days with this. We stayed up on the last night and watched it tick over with us the winners.... and yeah we didn't win. Turns out there was an error on their part as the countdown was counting down locally, instead of against their server time. So I watched it countdown to 0 and we were first place... but there was actually 5 hours left. In that time we got overtook. I'm not a sore loser, I'd be happy with 2nd place, but I watched us win!! As there was so many bigger games this year, and we've got a total of 27k votes in that category, 50% extra over last year! I'm really happy and grateful for all your support. I sent them an email giving them shit that I saw us win, and all they've decided to do is extend the competition. I guess that's something. We'll just have to see how it goes. You'll see it pop up on the vote sites again soon  no doubt. More on this after the event. #3 on most popular though? Sweet!

Family/Friend updates
You can now view & delete any pending friend/family requests through the social panel as requested! I've had a few questions about the family system as to why it doesn't automatically add back like the friends. The reason for this is simple, if you add someone as your sister, they'd be your sister too, right? Sure. That scenario is logical. It's not logical when you add an auntie, because you're not going to be their auntie too.

Coven Wars
As you can now tell, Coven Wars are closed as we make a few changes to the system. I do believe the last wars have just finished up so I'll work Sunday/Monday to get it up and running again ASAP.

Oh, and it's our ACT staff member Sinara's (162961) birthday today. Go show her some love!

It's the weekend!


Aid said...

Happy Birthday Sin!!:p

And sorry about the rpg ash:p but we all know RoB is the best regardless:p

Morganika said...

I saw us win too Ash! Hopefully we will get it this time! Thanks for adding the new stuff to the friends list. Its quite helpful. Happy Birthday Sinara! <3

Boutidca_Iceni_Queen said...

WHOA!!! Wow ... I too saw that things had gone in our favour and I think that what they've done with THEIR mistakes sucks! However ... in the end, as we all know, RoB is the BEST vamp game about, and certainly the best in rpg! Thanks Ash ... and let's hope this title falls to us yet again! :p Cheaters never prosper ... and someone cheated to try and take our title! :p May the Cheat Gods disfavour them appropriates! lmao Congrats to us nonetheless!!! :D

Isobel Lynn Bellator said...

Happy birthday, Sin!!! Hope you have a good one, dear Cousin! <3 Thanks for the new Family/Friends Updates, by the way, Ash!

Anonymous said...

I have to say, i think RoB should win...Hands down. I don't play any other games and i'm a full time study...This is the only game that holds my attention...It's held my attention for around 3 years! How many mafia themed games can do that? Stupid mafia/werewolf games...So bad. :D

Anonymous said...

you promised something if we won and technicaly we won so?

Anonymous said...

we won and that is great:) but, ash when we will receive our cookies for all those votes?m? I remember you told us that we will all get very good rewards if we will win. (that was before new year comes) so everything now up to you!

Anonymous said...

we won and that is cool. But, I remember you told us that we will receive free plasmas if we will win:) so ash now everything up to you ;)

Guildythewicked said...

NO Technically we DIDN'T WIN. It appeared we won, but because of a technicality we didn't. So therefore we have to put forth more effort and win it.
Ash owes us NOTHING. Geez Louise! Yet. :P

Anonymous said...

Hey, anybody else reminded of the real world pres elections a few yrs bk ... hey 5 hrs 2 find out isn't bad v. days of watching FL cart ballots all over the place not 2 mention the fact U, DarkAsh actually knows 4 sure we did win !!! Getting an extension on the voting for RoB sure looks great compared to the behind your back manipulative potential of the "Electoral College" !!!
This baby vamp looks forward to lots more voting, I was barely able to help B4 :-)

PS Anybody not in danger of getting carpal tunnel from too much voting, SHAME ON YOU !!!
4 Everyone Else, they sell great hand guards / braces at CVS !!!

Unknown said...

Hey not so bad compared to the real world presidential election a few yrs back ... at least 5 hrs wasn't days of watching FL cart ballots all over and drag out magnifying glasses looking for hole-punches !!! Not lol
re: DarkAsh watching us win beats backdoor manipulative potential of the "Electoral College"
PS Any RoB player not in danger of getting carpal tunnel fr voting next few mo. SHAME ON U
4 Everyone else, CVS sells great wrist braces !

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