Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Merry Christmas everyone!

This will be my last blog before Christmas, I'll be back on 27th where I will have the pleasure of going through hundreds of profiles to declare the winners of the Profile contest.

Just want to say a big thank you for all your support this year, and hope we can have enough great year next year. So Happy Christmas (or Happy Holidays as the Americans seems to like to say) to you all.

Oh, and I just did a check and NOBODY has found the 10th candy cane. After a few seconds of giggling to myself i figured some of you are prolly pulling your hair out, but before you pull too much I thought I'd be a nice (ha) and give you a small hint on where it is. And well, It's in the underground.

Have a great Christmas and I look forward to 2010 with you all!



Naomi Kobayashi Ravenwood said...

Merry Christmas :)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!!

Wolfpack said...

thanks again for everything Ash! best wishes for the hols for you and yours too.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Ash and thanks! :D ooooh hunting heeeereee weeee goooo ohh hunting here weee gooo lalalalaaaaaaa...

Anonymous said...

what about the bloody santas hat? did someone find it?

LOST (93986)

Anonymous said...

merry christmas and wish you guys all the best.

Anonymous said...

Have a Happy Holiday.

Sathyr said...

Merry christmas, Ash. Thanks for the hint! :)

Gabriella DeathWish said...

Merry Christmas Ash and Thank you to all...we say Happy Holidays here in America 'cuz most of the time it ofends some to say Merry really!
I will say loud and
heehee <3's ya Ash :)

p.s ty for the hint:)

SlayerXIII_Boudiccas_Line said...

Happy Christmas Ashmas ... *giggles* And a very Happy New Year to you as well! Thanks again for making this a fun year! ;)

Queen Persephone Aestus said...

Merry Christmas Ash!!!

Demetri said...

Thanks Ash for another year of RoB -- and many more to come! Happy Holidays...

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas for Everyone
Feliz Natal para todos Vós

Anonymous said...

Merry christmas Ash, only been playing RoB for a little more than a month but thanks for your hard work all year. keep that brain of your's safe over the christmas celabrations alot of us would miss it LOL.


SaucA said...

Happy Christmas for Everyone
Feliz Natal para Todos

Anonymous said...

merry christmas ash, and a happy new year

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

merry christmas and happy new year ash i hope you have a safe and fun christmas :)

Kinky Kat (224427)

Anonymous said...

merry christmass

Anonymous said...

Cheers Merry Christmas

dazer said...

we dont say happy holidays we say merry christmas :_( dont judge us or pay! >:(

JK but we dont say happy holidays
unless your a employee of a store you have to
(because some ppl might celebrate some thing else at december)

Anonymous said...

Sacred Trickster says: Blessed Yule!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas yourself. Also have a Happy New Year

sinister said...

merry xmas ash and happy new year

Jake Dethklok (97285) said...

well all i got to say, if you look at my profile. happy seizures ;D

Anonymous said...

Merry Chritmas!

Anonymous said...


Razor bloodseeker said...

Merry Xmas ash! Hav a merry Christmas and cya soon! ur the best!

Blood Shard said...

*Smiles* Thank you Ash,,Merry Christmas & Happy New Year,,,*wink*

Bay leaf said...

Merry Christmas to All

Jake Dethklok (97285) said...

Merry Christmas Everyone, i dont know if ill remember NYE But have a have a happy new year too

Guildythewicked said...

Happy Christmas All. :)

Tsarina of Night said...


Anonymous said...

lol im the only one to find the 10th candy cane


Anonymous said...

What about Santas Hat?????

Danstryker Inky Juggla said...

Merry Christmas everyone :)

Bb said...

you too ash merry xmas!

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