Saturday, 19 December 2009

ReignOfBlood nominated for Best RPG of 2009!! Vote for us...

BBGSite has contacted me and notified me of ReignOfBlood being nominated for Best RPG of 2009! How exciting.

How do we win? Vote your asses off! Winning this would give a lot publicilty to the game and be an awesome achievement!

Vote for us @ - Just click the vote link on the right hand side (the yellow button with a present picture on it). This can be done once a day and I will shortly add it to the voting list.

It ends 7th January.

If we win I will give out prizes too ALL players! Lets win this =D


P.S Also got a new shortcut for our Facebook fan page:


Anonymous said...

Victory!!! first comment!!

Forgotten Sortilege said...

well lets kick butt then ASH

macy said...

lol, that's all we need to hear ;P

pacha said...

Congratulations Ash you deserve it

Blood Shard said...

Done for today,,Saved link till you add it,,
Very good,,*smiles*

Anonymous said...

yay! lets start votin then! ^^

Damon J. Azarias said...

HA! Not only will I vote my ass off I'm putting the link on my facebook so all my friends will vote their asses off too! Every single day. RoB ftw! :)

SlayerXIII_Boudiccas_Line said...

This is phenomenal Ash!!! Congratulations! Nothing is as great as knowing that something you've created has taken flight to become something even greater than what it began as. I will be sure to vote every day .... and again, well done!!! All of us have done this as you point out ... and including us in this achievement is yet another expression of how superbly you've been in inclusion, as well as the creation! Thanks!!! :)

Duke Drago De Baucheret said...

153 votes now with mine..also this is my first comment to your blog but we are #1 on several of the voting sites we hit for more turns so grats on that as well..

Mastema of Wolfsblood said...

dogs bullocks :)

Bayleaf said...

congrats on the nomination.
Lets all vote as often as possible

Anonymous said...

Congrats Ash! Would love to vote daily, but it keeps telling me "failed to vote" and i cannot figure out why. I hope this isn't a common problem.

Anonymous said...

good show old chap:p

† Vincente † ™ said...

Congats on the nomination ASH that is so great :)

Azrael Hades said...

Already voting as often as possible. So very glad that the best game the internet has to offer, is getting such high accolades. Happy that I can help as well as everyone else, make sure that RoB gets this achievement!!

Anonymous said...

i hope we win ill be amazed!!! im gonna keep voting my ass off

Vinushka said...

About the voting problem, it doesn't work on firefox. Does work on chrome and opera.

Good luck Ash, go RoB!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeh let's vote the hell out of this one, go RoB!!!!

edward[riku] said...

im not suprised ROB made it this far...i wouldnt be suprised if u WIN...u have victory comin...i dont see how any1 could make a website like this...u have no competition...SO LETS WIN THIS THING!

edward[riku] said...

i posted ur link on facebook

Anonymous said...


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