Thanks for everyone who posted their public profiles everywhere. Keep it up =D The 3 winners (35 plasma each) I have chosen are:
- Odd Ball Ebony Rose (129183)
- One Of The Four (45901)
- LordBevan (118943)
And the 3 Facebook winners are: (25 plasma each)
- Starwine (159099)
- Pinch-of-Grinch (213752)
- Eden Cælia Night (157815)
Thank you for taking part and keeping the competitions active each month. The december Christmas competition is currently being thought up and will be set up and announced within the next couple of days.
Friday, 4 December 2009
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way to go guys,
cant wait for this months :D
Just wonderful,,
Awesome! Well done, peeps :)
Thanks for choosing me :P
Guess you didn't see the outside Website I made for Rob lovers to join and talk all about Rob stuff
What's the site Pinch? I'd like to check it out. :) Congrats all!
I wont post it in here it's rude bl me and ill send it to u....
congrads.... I was tryin but I guess I didn't have enough sites that I added!
im hungry . . .
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