Hey guys, the server will be down for up to an hour because they're doing some software updates, sorry for any inconvenience.
They'll get it done ASAP.
Thanks for your patience!
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oohhhh kkkkk Ash ...Rats butt..hehe
I'm using this time to wrap the last of my presents xD
old well cant get kill for now
omg....good oneyeh yeh hahahhahahha Happy Holidays Ash
Dreamgirl and Pyrooooooo
happy holidays...bad time to log on right now...ain't it?
This is being done at the quietest time of day!
where's chippy's present, ash? :p
...But I am on and I am awesome T^T
-Da Cookie
Chippy gets present when she finds all the candy ;)
blah, needed to do other things anyway.
i was just in the middle of the daily 150 kills quest... only 30 vamps to go... *sob* do i have to start all over again?
It'll be back very shortly.
ash is too good at hiding things hmmph
Because there are too many people now they're found like right away :P at least i didnt make them appear random this time.
Dern I was waiting on a reply for my Jail case. Guess I ain't gonna get it tonight haha.. I'm presumed innocent until proved guilty, and I voice my right to say I am seriously Innocent.
chippy's just whiny, ash..of course ur doing a good job..too good that chippy can't find candy canes or any nutz around here :p *rubs tummy*
3 days before christmas and i still can't find the last present to complete the quest. *sigh* any hint, Ash? *grins widely*
Screw the presents -_- One of them is not showing up for me and it is the only one of the original 10 I had left
lol i know you are ;) aww i could hide some nuts if you wanted. I'm not that kinda guy who likes to give out hints :P
has anyone completed the quest yet? i'll hunt that vamp down and wring his/her neck till he/she spill out the location of the last present. lol :p
I got all the locations. One of them just won't pop up. Perhaps if you pay me enough I will sell them to you :P Sucks a lot since that missing one for me worked for a friend.....
-Da Cookie
nah... still have 3 days to look for that present. i'll find that present. *grim face*
Damn...Here I was hoping for some easy money....
-Da Cookie
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