Had the host guys take a look at the software of the server and do some tweaks to see if they can speed things up, they took some time doing so and things should be running a little faster. From the feedback so far from chat things are faster and hourly resets run quicker too.
Is it faster for you?
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
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Haven't noticed much change yet! I'll let you know boss man!
Seems a bit faster yes. (then again I have slowish internet.. so.. haha) Thanks Ash!
The page loads at toh are definitely running faster Ash! Thanks so much as it makes getting to the suicide button ... or the enemy, much easier! You rock and so does RoB!!! :)
Definately faster,good show old chap:-P
Yea its much faster. ~Optik~
Reset definitely faster.
Thanks Ash!
It is a lot faster. Thanks Ash! Thank you for all you do for us!
I have only done my training so far and that loaded much faster and I got it done hell quicker, cheers!
quest please?!
How about some more quests already
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