First thing is that I have reduced the bar prices by around 30-35% in an attempt to stable the market a little, we'll see how it turns out.
Thanks for all the feedback for Spring Valley, mainly positive which is good, the main fault being the amount of times you die, which is fairness is needed to make it more strategic. BUT i have decreased your chance of getting killed by up to 25%. As for the non VIP cost of traveling and healing, an upcoming feature will *help* with this, so stay tuned.
Today i wanted to present you with an awesome new feature, BUT it turns out it's more complicated that i thought and going to take longer to do. Booo. So i'll have it worked out and done over the next few days and post a new blog with the info.
As some of you have noticed 'Reputation' has popped up! It's so funny seeing everyone go crazy about it. All I'm going to say is that its related to this new feature. Maybe i shouldn't tease you so much?
Have a good week
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
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sadist! BOL
cool, keep uo the good work ash :)
Ash your such a tease. lol Can't wait to see what is store for us..This should be interesting...
I am sooo excited just can't wait, lmfao
Well it must have something to do with the alignment issue too. Maybe good vs evil depending upon the way you prayed.
Yes Ash, you shouldn't tease us like that. It is driving me nuts. Never mind, I wish that the new feature will be fun.
Keep up the good work Ash. You are a good job!
OO I like being teased. Thanks for the new stuff Ash. You are indeed the Best.
Jeez... you're really pounding the game with good upgrades... another one of your bad boys, then I'll be havin' a cosmic orgasm... lol... I'm lovin' the game right now^^ ... Thanks and more power to you... GODspeed...
Thanks for all the new stuff Ash! I can't wait to see what the NEW FEATURE is! :D You are a god! ;) Keep up the good work!
Boooo.. Let us know.. lol
Ohhh, I can hardly wait to find out what this new feature is. Ash, you are the bomb! Thanks for all your hard work!
It's cruel to tease us in this way. Like a moth is drawn to a flame, like the whole of humanity is drawn to danger, the members of RoB appear to be longing for new features. *grins* I'm really not weird. :p
Ash i totally respect your dedication to this. Keep up the good work mate.
It's getting curioser and curioser...
Haha ya keep teasing us ash. :P I am curious with all these modifications to the game what about the weapons that you have promised us. I know you're busy and all but I have been looking forward to them for some time. I would appreciate an update at least. Thanks.
Well Ash you should have reduced prices at the bar to 30% of what they were and made it only a 25% chance of getting killed in Spring Valley.
Darkest Greetings m'Lord Ash ... *bows head* I agree ... you are a tease! I don't know about being a sadist ... however. That said, awesome new additions even with the tease. And reputation is going to be fun ... as always, thanks for all you do to improve the game Ash. :)
Ash why must you tempt our hearts so.... We all know that reputation wise Bux will Win ~winks~
Thats really cool Ash. I love what your doing with the game, lol. It's amazing how much the game has advanced in a year. Keep up the amazing work and remember, your the BEST. -hehe-
its a new city isn't it *probes deeper into ash's brains, yes it shall be called museland
a home for good music and cheap beer :D
Looking forward to the new developments as ever, and very grateful you have dropped the bar prices so now there is actually worth in visiting it instead of just loitering in the AP market.
One thing on Sprong Valley though... are the humans still killing us vampires with "Garlic Lanchers" as opposed to the "Garlic LaUnchers" we all use on each other? :-p
Keep up the good work, and thanks for maintaining the time and effort you put in!
The weps are coming don't worry... they just need to be perfect. Gotta keep throwing out other stuff whilst working on it else you'll think im being lazy ;)
Hey ash.try using spell check next time you post an ad,bbg site says complete guests... lol
I didn't type that, they did lol I'll contact them, thanks.
No problem,just proves that i vote and actually spent time there;-).now how about making attacks location sensitive so those in spring valley can only kill those in spring valley?the same applies to ghost town and dead city,that is unless whoever you attack is on your enemy list.just a suggestion.
As always, your doing a great job. Even if you are a tease...LOL ;)
Can't wait for the new and up coming ;)
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