If you're thinking to yourself, what new homepage layout? Gently slap yourself. (I say gently because i don't encourage violence... much)... but Dark August has made a beautiful new layout for us, looks good no? Should get a lot more people who visit the sign to create an account!
Lots to come!
Thursday, 24 September 2009
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It is a nice change. I hope it works for you.
Great job !
Looks great Ash. Much better then old one.
Looks really Good.
Lord Samil Descourdes.
Could we get this as a header image and skin layout? I know I would use it...
Love it :)
Tis' beautiful! Great job Dark and Ash!
Woa thats awesome!!
Do the entire game in that layout..It looks amazeing....
I have to say, it looks great :D
I love love love it!
Gorgeous. Deserves to be seen on more than just the login page. Thank you Dark August.
Very cool! I like it.
You should put it as a skin or layout for playing it looks really awesome
Kudos to Dark and to you as well Ash!!! It is a splendid layout!
It's amazing, I had to do a double take and check if typed the right url but this is really beautiful.
... I'm working on the game skin presently. Shhh... it's a secret. *wink* THANK YOU for all the wonderful feedback. Ash has been busting his butt this summer, and I'm just happy to be a part of it. Still, a designer likes to know when her work is appreciated. ^_~ Thanks for always making it all worth it!
Its simply beautiful ash but I agree with the others, such a same to waste is on the login page only
awesome love it looks good perfect for a vampire website
Wow, I like it, I filled out my login and as I clicked log in I saw that there was words on it, I had to backspace just to read what it said. :) Good job. I think it looks kewl.
It looks really great, Ash. ^^
I love the new homepage layout...
It is absolutely gorgeous...I hope you gave her some extra plasma...cough cough...I adore it! Way fricken cool.
"Visit the sign" O.o
I don't like it. No particular reason. I just don't like change. Gimme the option to change it back D:
Love it, Adore it!
Wow! It looks absolutely amazing, Ash! Can't forget to thank Dark August a ton for making it! Lmao.
But I have to agree with the others, you should make it into a header and skin layout...I would certainly use it!
Thanks once again August and Ash! =)
So this is one of the fabled updates we have been waiting on, and well worth the ait it is.
The basicness has been removed and now its a truly atention grabing page.
I will expect a increase in game mebers soon.
Roll on 5000000. :P
Congrats to the pair of you ash and dark for working so hard.
Ash I Love it!!!! I've been meaning to stop by to tell you I like the new banner on the voting sites; then you put on the opening page.
Anyways, Could you wake it a header as well? I'd love to be able to place it at the top of my pages on the game! :)
P.S.- Like the way the Sv2 looks, it look's more fun and horror like.
As always, your doing great job and Thanks for everything you do for us! :)
*blow's well deserved kisses Ash's way* ;)
Sorry it was meant say:Could you please MAKE it a header as well? (on Rob)...Sorry. :)
Ash, I could be wrong, but after reading your new game home page today and all the small changes that have been going on, and I think I have caught a glimpse of the very near future. It will truly change RoB if it is as I envision. The covens of today won't exist the day you institute your changes. It will be humans against the vampires. The with positive alignment numbers will be the humans and those with negative alignment numbers will be the vampires. Ash your genious is really shining tonight.
Looks great! Got quite a shock and thought i went to the wrong site but it looks good. I also have myspace going on my webcast advertising Reign Of Blood
i love it but what about a male n female version? ive seen darks artistic work with females but never males :) might have to see what she can do ;)
Looks great!
Beautiful, I absolutely love it!
Nice Work
Looks fantastic in the near future I'm going to be doing my car for shows and I'm actually thinking about using something to that affect as a graphic down the sides of my car for a custom paint job of course before I do it Ill be asking for the author's permission and possible sponsorship for reign of blood
I am truly sorry for always giving props to Ash and never Dark, It was not meant to be that way at all. I have been meaning it for the two of you, but I need now to seprate it and give props to you both seprately. LOL
Anyways, As Always you are doing a wonderful Job Dark and Ash :)
Love the art you do Dark it is spectacular!!!
and I hope I do not get changed into a human cuz I vote holy lol-to the gent. that see what is coming above- I love being a vampire! LOL :)
Psst... Derek... That text has been there for AGES. Since the last time I redid the web page. *wink*
And, much love and thanks to all the positive comments. If there ARE criticisms, and they are constructive, please BL me. I thrive on feedback.
Some have asked where the chick comes from: it's a version of the cover art for my book. I used it because I own it, and licensing for other art is a touchy business. Also because it's a sexy pic that sells the best when I go to conventions. *lol*
Pssst Ash I knew that too. It just seemed a good way to let you know that it's a good direction to go in.
Okay enough with the kissy kissy and cosmetics. You've had a week to bask in the praises. Time to get to the meat and potatoes. Everything so far has been fluff and more of the same. Show us what you got.
Look awesome,keep up the good work! Love the pict. of the lady. She looks really cool.
Wow Dark august has rly out done herself =D
woohoo! new layout!
It's beautiful!
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