Saturday 29 August 2009

New voting system idea & plasma special to run to the end of the month.

Due to people not getting paid till the end of the month or the 1st of Sep (had several BLs) I've decided to leave the special on until the 1st September.

On another note, thank you for all the happy birthday comments :) Even though it's not until tomorrow lol!

Anyway, I was thinking about how to solve the voting problem we're having. I am not a fan of taking the bonus away from you guys or reducing it, I'm generally not a nasty person. But I have thought of another idea that might *help*.

Having one vote site appear at a time. So the first one would come up, you would click the vote link, it'll open in a new window you would then complete the vote (thus adding your turns). You close the window, which brings you back to RoB. Where it will refresh 5-10 seconds after you clicked the link to bring up the next one. (refreshing it manually will not speed it up because I'll put a PHP timer on it). And so on and so on. Yes it'll take longer, but you either sit there bored and wait or just vote. If you don't like it, you don't get the turns. That's totally up to you :) But those turns are for voting for RoB not just free for nothing.

To sum it up, the people who ACTUALLY spend the time and voting will NOT have a problem with this because the time it takes would be no different whatsoever. The people who WILL complain about this are the people who DONT complete their vote people they just click it to get the turns. So with that in mind, i'd like you feedback on it =D

I will enjoy my birthday, and thanks again for all the birthday wishes.
Have a good weekend =]



Apostle is Here said...

Well i'm not going to complain about it, but it might make it longer for me as I open all of the voting sites in mozilla tabs at one time and run through them all in a matter of minutes (I type quick so captcha's aren't an issue)

I'll probably still vote either way.

Anonymous said...

i think Ash is sexy

Dem Lestat said...

I'm still voting, either way.

Legion the Hermit. said...

If I understand correctly... The delay is the same whether you vote or not. I'm for it Ash, but I also think that just educating the masses might help? Some people can't be bothered to read... maybe explaining that if the CAPCHA code is too difficult, you can try again on the same site with an easier one. I often hit the 'change' button if the code is too outrageous. :-)

DarkAsh said...

I'll time how long it would take on a fast internet connection to open each vote site, confirm or enter the captcha. Then add that time to each one.

This idea will also stop people saying "i dont vote because of my internet connection is low". It gets slow because you're opening them all at once. This way it's one at time.

DannoJayX said...

Everyday I complete the votes, I honestly don't see why people aint completing them, it takes all of a few minutes, not exactly forever is it. Looking forward to this new update, thanks Ash.

secretrumour said...

This sounds perfectly fine to me. Thanks for not reducing them for the people that do. Even if it takes a little longer, who cares? We want extra turns we will have to work for them! :D

MuDD (177587) said...

It doesn't matter to me which way since I vote anyway it wont change that much for me, I do like to open them all in tabs and then vote and close it but I will continue voting that is a stat points everyday there is no way I would not vote

EatME said...


Sacred Vixen (95835) said...

I still vote either way so it won't bother me any.

Bianca~Mistress of Pain~ said...

I complete my votes everyday, so no matter which way to access them, I will continue. I am just happy you decided not to reduce them. If it takes a few more minutes so be it.....I am on all the time anyway. :D

Have a Great Birthday!

Karia-Jin said...

i like the new voting idea and would follow it gladly

Taikarath said...

I agree with the first poster Apostel is here, I do it the exact same way. The new way will probably take more time for me and annoy me, but if it keeps people from just klicking without votig, go for it.

Audrey said...

Here's to being able to legally drink in public! :D *lifts a glass*

Thanks for keeping the turn bonus for us faithful voters. :)

Enjoy your birthday

Anonymous said...

Thank god the plasma special is till the end of the month. Thanks Ash. Also, the new voting system seems fine to me. I vote, so no biggie.

Aestolia said...

I think that's a great idea Ash, with one possible hang up

Sometimes when i vote (usually on the site that gives +6) it takes the vote, but RoB doesn't count it, meaning it gets stuck on the vote list until the next day.

Hopefully that kind of problem wouldn't prevent people from accessint the rest of the voting sites?

Maybe add a 'skip' button to skip to the next voting site offer.

Anonymous said...

Not a problem Ash. I don't mind taking the extra seconds to get the turns. Thanks for having the extra turns bonus;it's helped me out every day actually. I use large amount of turns at a time so the voting portal helps me out tremendously. You help me so I help you. Who wouldn't want RoB to be #1. I love it when I go in to one of the sites and see it in the top three. thanks & Happy Birthday Again. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

I seem to be having the same problem as Aestolia today, so yeah, a skip button would be helpful for those glitches.

Anonymous said...

As been said, I too open them all in separate tabs. It makes voting a lot easier and much quicker in my opinion. If votes are what you're after, making the task tedious may not be the best, especially for those who don't vote often. I say keep it how it is, but ultimately, it's up to you.

Arkhon said...

It will be annoying Ash, I do open them all at once and vote on each, is there another possible solution?

It still won't secure everyone's vote, remember there's more lazy people then anything else.

Why not making all like ApexWebGaming and Directory Of Games? my wife and I have to take turns on who votes for each because they are more strict regarding the IP, it forces me to vote from somewhere else so she can vote home and it also has a system that lets you know when you completed the vote. I'd rather vote them all from a public place than having to wait a lot to get them all.

Another possibility is to use a mouse click position recorder, it may be a similar aproach as your suggestion, opening one at the time but in a "subpage" that lets you record the mouse position and validate it. Now to be honest I've only seen this in another game (seems it's using flash on that part) but maybe someone is willilng to sell the code, BL me if you want the game's name.

Anonymous said...

How will your new voting system affect familites who play your game? If you restrict it to only one person being able to vote what happens to the others who would like to vote for the extra turns as well>

Donovan Hades said...

Sounds fine, haha I'm having problems with my turns getting added though right now... My votes counted but so far on three of the sites I didn't get the turns for them... So if I click on it later will it count the turns? I'm kinda confused as to whats going on.

Semera Bloodlust said...

I also vote by opening them all at once in separate tabs. I ALWAYS go through them and make sure I vote. I support RoB in any way I can and am very thankful that you offer a turn bonus for voting. How generous!

Unfortunately this new system will take me much longer. Time I do not have to spare some days as I am not online for a long period of time. This means somedays, I may not be able to complete all the votes.

This would be the opposite of what you are trying to do.. although I do understand and support what you are trying to do with this change. It is a shame that there are lazy people out there trying to cheat.

Anonymous said...

you are welcome ASH!

Anonymous said...

Either way I will still vote. I do like the way it is now though, only because I open them all at once and vote and close each tab. Whatever works is fine.

I wont complain, If you add more sites and gives us more turns. I would even be happier lol.

Jahi Helel Lasombra

DarkAsh said...

If you open them all up in tabs and then vote on them all, this new system will not be ANY slower than you doing that. It is just another way of going about it, so there's no point saying you do that and its quicker when it wouldn't be.

And as for the Apex/DoG voting is that their site has to code in incentive voting for it to work like that, and they are the only 2 sites that do it, if they all did then i wouldnt need to do this, but thats not the way it is.

Thanks for your feedback so far.

†Deamon Whispers† 163379 said...

Ill still vote I have a quick connetion :)

DarkAsh said...

It's NOW my birthday. 21 woooo lol

Vinushka said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASH!!! *sets off fireworks* Enjoy!

The proposed voting setup sounds like an excellent solution. If people have to wait for the next one to come up, why would they sit there and do nothing? The only problem might be those sites that are errored - if we are unable to complete the vote due to a site error or that website conflicting with a particular browser (such as the 2 i know of that dislike firefox) would that keep us from being able to get to the next vote on the list?

Also thank you for having consideration for people getting paid the end or first of the month. That is very thoughtful of you!

Anonymous said...

The person who asked about families who play the game has a valid point. How will that be addressed?

Anonymous said...

Seems fine to me Ash, it is more of an inconvenience I will agree, since I find it faster to simply open them all, but hell it still isnt going to take hours, so I will still be voting.

I would like to point out to people who dont vote: voting gets us higher on the popular list, gets us new players, and therefore more people likely to pay for VIp/Plasma/weapons etc, and more blood for everyone too! So vote for a better RoB ;)

Incidentally the Ozgame site doesnt seem to be working for me, but I dont know if thats just me, or everyone else as well.

Anonymous said...

Like I said not a prob., but I think maybe the ones with errors may cause problems.

Happy Birthday Ash!!!!!! Much Love and Hugs!!!!

galahad gawain said...

I have no problem with it Ash. I will vote either way. Happy B-day as it is nearer now than before. Enjoy your day!

Sandra said...

i don't mind that..i actually take the time to vote so as long as i can get my turns i'll be happy. Thanks! and Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Hi,b4 making any changes to the voting system please check out 1.PBBG WARP,vote succesfull,reward unsuccessfull reign of blood has not set up rewards.2.ozgames,black of games,i voted at 6 times but the option doesn't close and 0 turns gained

Anonymous said...

the same prblm mentioned above is wid me!:)....gotcha do smthing ash

DarkAsh said...

Getting around the voting sites that will be down will not be a problem, don't worry. And has for the family thing, it wont make a difference for most of them, but i'll think about how to get around it.

Mikiala said...

Happy Birthday Ash!!!

As far as the voting goes. My opinion, if it's not broke, don't fix it. I currently am fine the way it is, as do most that have replied here, but then again, I haven't seen what the "other side" are saying. So whatever you chose is fine.

Anonymous said...

You can add apexwebgaming to the list of wonky vote sites

Anonymous said...

Games are still for fun arnt they? Double the work.. increase the penalties. stomp on joy and annoy people. :)

Wolfpack said...

good idea Ash!

Anonymous said...

The Apex & Directory(the ones with the highest turns) for the last 2 days has given meGabriella1278

Anonymous said...

my post was messed up sorry.
I was saying that they say the vote is successful, but when you hit the refresh button after doing everything you need to do, it doesn't give you the turns. At least not me for the last 2 days.

Slayer_XIII_of_Boudiccas_Line said...

Looks from the blog you've been celebrating just as you said you would Ash! lmbo That said, the new idea is excellent even though I've always done one at a time. :p Thanks for being so thoughtful in the resolution of this issue, as well as continuing the plasma special. *bows deeply*

Now if you visit the U.S. Ash ... you can drink in every single state! Hope you've had the Guiness. :D

Slayer_XIII_of_Boudiccas_Line said...

AFreeGaming link is broken Ash. :(

Anonymous said...

Any1 found any random plasma,i've been just about everywhere a few times and no luck:-S

Anonymous said...

Very bad fucking idea.

Anonymous said...

i think its a great idea about the random plasma it gives people a reason to play the game more and tell others about the game.point being ,it's a good advertisement.also i never got to so happy b-day so,HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Anonymous said...

I vote all the time but I don't really like the idea of one at a time because you can't choose which ones you want to vote on. I have a very old computer and it doesn't load all of the sites so I won't be able to vote on all the sites I usually vote for. =/

Sandra said...

something u might want to do is weed out the couple of sites that wont work...i believe there are 2 sites that u can't vote cause it wont come up either server not found or something else...other than that ur plan should work

Anonymous said...

If your going to change the votes then atleast make the current ones work. im tired of entering captcha and just realise i voted and didnt even get my reward for days in a row straight. anymore and all votes will be gone.

Tessa La Mort said...

I don't have a problem with it. I will vote anyway.We still get the turns,so no big deal to me.
Thanks Ash

Hollow Phantom said...

I don't have a problem with it. It works for me either way.

Anonymous said...

Oz-games is fixed yay:-)

Anonymous said...

guess the freaking code has done nothing except fill my email up with spam. Then again who gives a shit right?

Anonymous said...

Apex and directory are both fail captchas im done voteing seems like scams "Vote but get hopes for a false reward" This new system will kill it all

Anonymous said...

It would seem the number of turns has been reduced as Ash said he was going to do.

Unknown said...

perhaps organizing them into capcha and non capcha (but click to votes) might help so that those that don't want to type don't have to.

Anonymous said...

happy late birthday!!
~sorry i know its kinda late~

Anonymous said...

the Apex & directory are still not giving votes. Oz is up and working. 404 is broke as well it gives you votes, but you can't vote for RoB. Noticed that RoB has gone down. Hope players haven't stopped voting. I vote every day. You don't get free voting incentives any where else. I really Like RoB & the extra it has,I hope certain ones don't mess it up for those who do, do things that Ash asks' us to do.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame Ash for decreasing the turns, all he asked was alittle of our time to get free votes, and some of us couldn't even do that. I also vote everyday. I like to see my fav. game in the top three. Its sad cause I just noticed RoB is down in the poles a good bit. OMG, a ninja game is kicking our vampire butts.(cries & sobs). Hope those ones will wake up and realize a good thing when they see it.

Anonymous said...

Also yeah some of the portals are broken; but not all of them. He know it and he will get them fixed as soon as he can. You are still getting most of the votes,(@ least 130 of them).
You not voting doesn't just hurt you and Ash but all of us. So think before you react. We've got a good thing here don't ruin it for everyone.

Anonymous said...

I got your back and RoB's back Ash. LOL :)

Anonymous said...

What Gab said

Anonymous said...

Afreegaming is broken,url not found...

Carlisle [Toxic Blood] 197633 said...

This is all good and what not, but there are like....3 or 4 sites that wont give me points... I dont know about other people, but I am missing an average of 20 something points aday...

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