Friday, 14 August 2009

My new site, win free cash $$$. Would like your support :)

It's a little site i just made, very basically, you choose a number, enter your email and submit! Then each week the pot of money is won by one person. It's no scam (I don't scam people), the money comes from the ads on the site.

So by increasing the money to win, tell your friends (option to do so afterward).

You can view how it works in full detail on the about page.

You can enter each week and someone WILL win the pot. Then the pot is reset.

The more people who enter = the more people on the site = more money from the ads = more money in the pot = more money for you to win.

It's pretty simple, and would like your simple support to use it each week (so bookmark it =]). We don't sell your email, or spam it or anything like that to make money. I don't run scam websites like that its totally legit, you have my word :)

As i said view the site for more info, and if I can get this to take off and get people using it each week I'll run RoB related competition with it as well.

So please support it and check it and let me know what you think :)


As well as this site and hales bytes, I'll add a link section on the site somewhere to remind people of what i'm up to. Thank you for your support, and I hope you all take part :)



Anonymous said...

And if multiple people all choose the same number?

Lucidious Rage said...

Sounds fun! Signs up for the Pot Prize!

Oh wait... that sounds bad lol

Anonymous said...

If multiple people choose the same number and win it is split equally

Matsu said...

Nice Idea.

Anonymous said...

And what do you gain from this?

Anonymous said...

free money lol

Draven said...

I would guess that all the pepole that pick the number would win the pot.

Anonymous said...

it says in the terms if you bothered to read it.

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