Over the last month or so RoB has dropped a bit on the voting sites. This is not because of people quitting the game, overall activity has actually increased. So this means people are getting lazy and not completing their vote.
I give the turn bonus IN RETURN for you completing the vote. If things don't change by this time next month (i.e. people don't start completing the vote) i will REDUCE the amount of turns you get from it. For over 130 turns for 30 seconds of your time going through entering captchas and confirming buttons etc is a damn good deal. If people want to abuse it, then I'll reduce the reward. Simple.
&& on better news, it's my 21st birthday this weekend, so to kick off the weekend celebration there will be random stuff happening and a plasma special all weekend. More info on that when friday comes ;)
Have fun
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
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wooooo happy bday ash for the 30th ;) i wont be on this weekend so thought id get in early
And thats sucks for the few whos actually voting for RoB...
Happy early b-day Ash! :P
-Aeieo <3
happy birthday sexy hahahahaha jk...........maybe
Happy early birthday, Ash! ..and I hope people stop being lazy. -glares at lazy people- I like our little turns for votes deal! :)
First, you are supposed to have it set up to where if the vote is not counted they don't get the reward. So if people are being rewarded and not voting you have no one to blame but yourself.
Second, it takes a lot longer than 30 seconds to do some of those sites with the crappy page loads, site not found etc...
Lastly, calling your site members lazy is just pathetic and childish. Go ahead and reduce the turns and then see how your voting goes. I for one wont vote at all as it will be a waste of my time.
That sux, since I make sure that I complete the vote. (Typing those codes can get annoying, but I do it anyway :S since I like to see where the site is ranked). I consider those extra turns a gift and all I've got to do is enter a code or click a link. Anyone who can't do that is ridiculously lazy.
Oh and happy b-day--drink a pint for me :P
I sometimes get to vote twice a day because of the reset so pls ppl VOTE. Happy bday Ash.
Uh u think that anonymous up there is the same guy from the rant forums? Oh wait no he can spell. Ash can I have that guys voting turns? what's another min to vote twice and get double the turns :p
Jahi Helel Lasombra
yes everyone vote properly. it doesn't take all that long. And lol Jahi. Happy Birthday Ash!
Morgana Deathwing
First and Foremost: Happy Birthday! Do yourself a favor and don't get so drunk that you never wnat to drink again ;)
And Secondly: I did what I can to spread the word about using the voting bonus. Personally I rely on those extra turns everyday.
This is what happens when the majority of increase in activity is people that sit in the chats, yet in no way play the game at all.
Oooh! Happy Birthday!
Well, that seems fair. Punish those of us who do vote for the complacency of those who don't. Happy birthday, though.
Well I just voted and saw on one site that I can vaguely remember the site being a lot higher than the #42 it's at now. only 155 votes and since I've voted everyday this month about 25 of those are from me, lol.
ok i do the turns everyday so i think its crap that your going to take it away from the people that are actually doing it. i think they are a huge help in doing things...very upset that you may take that away...ridiculous...
Lol i knew there would be people who post who have no idea what they're on about and hide their identity.
"First, you are supposed to have it set up to where if the vote is not counted they don't get the reward. So if people are being rewarded and not voting you have no one to blame but yourself."
INCORRECT!!!!!!! That is only possible if the voting sites as coded incentive voting, and atm only apex and directoryofgames have, if you haven't already noticed. It's nothing to do with me.
I agree it's not fair to punish the ones that are voting, but there are ways around it. This is just a notice to get people to vote. Those turns are not FREE, they are a reward for supporting the game by voting for it.
Happy 21st Birthday Ash and welcome to the real twenties! As I said before, Life Begins here (and so it does when you reach 30, 40, 50...and so on). And yes, let us complete the vote to help the site. After all, it helps us.
Happy B'day Ash!
Happy B-day Ash, hopefully more people will start voting but if not that sucks.
Happy Early Birthday Ash!
Just a note...i have voted everyday since i started with only maybe 5 days missed due to travel...it is terribly frustrating when you take the time to do the typing in and get the response that your vote counts but your turns aren't added because of something out of my control...additional there are a couple of sites who have been down for a while and cannot be voted on...i really don't think it is fair to those of us who do vote to be "punished" for those who don't...the ones who don't aren't getting the turns so it that really necessary?
Happy Birthday! Though I don't understand how taking the benefit away from those of us who do take the time to vote will encourage those who don't care in the first place, I do hope others start voting soon. Btw, there is a link or two that isn't working right, and some of the sites are a bit interesting to navigate. That being said, the game does have enough interesting qualities and that of a challenge (for those of us who try to stay within our own rank to attack) that it is worth the extra ten minutes to vote. :)
Yeah if the site is down then don't worry about it :)
in the long run this will only effect the vip members
Happy upcoming 21st. Used to vote but got sick of my computer crashing. It also takes a lot more than 30 sec for dial up. Try an hour or so.
I agree that it is not fair to punish those who are voting. People are not abusing the site by not voting, they are just not getting as many turns as those who are taking the time out to vote for ROB.
I can only see this as going against you, as reducing the amount of turns, for the people that do vote will result in them not wanting to vote.
Surely this needs rethinking.
However I think I am possibly misunderstading what is to happen. As you said "I agree it's not fair to punish the ones that are voting, but there are ways around it. This is just a notice to get people to vote. Those turns are not FREE, they are a reward for supporting the game by voting for it."
Are people then getting the rewards turns without voting? If so how can you monitor or stop that as even reducing the turns given the people that get these turns without voting will still get them?
Sorry I am very confused!
*Mi mi mi ... ahem ... Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear AAAssshhh ... Happy Birthday to you!* rofl I hope you have a great birthday Ash and thanks for sharing in it with all of us through the specials! :-) As to the voting, I complete mine always and have actually blogged on this. So I understand where you're coming from! Count me in for always completing my vote! :) And thanks again for all you do to make RoB special and fun!
Secret ... not true; I have had players tell me that all I have to do is "open the page, you don't have to vote" and it will tabulate. And guess what? It does (though some have changed and require the completion)! So it is laziness when they don't follow through and I for one don't want to lose out on those turns because others aren't completing the vote. :p
happy bday ash . and i vote everyday.As for the anomose above who stated that it aint fair to punish the majority for the acts of the few.This is a common practice,it motivates the ones who dont cause they dont want the wrath of the ones who do.
Reducing the reward wont inspire people to vote more. If you want to punish your players for not working for your game then you should increase the rewards for the ones that do.
Happy B'day Ash !
Mine's on friday, so I think I'll actually double up on this one ;)
For the votes, maybe you could increase those with coded incentive voting, and decrease the other ones ? Just my two cents.
Cheers, Kalann.
Around here you get the wrath of the players no matter what you do, even minding your own business. I don't think it will make much of a difference except to those of us who do vote, it'll just piss more people off.
Oh and I have an additional concern for those non VIP players. There are achievements, and quests that require you to have 400 turns or close to it to complete. The only way regular players reach these is through the voting bonuses. If the number of turns you get from voting is lowered. then non VIP players would never be able to complete these unless of course the max turns for standard members is raised to 400...
Congratultions on you upcoming Birthday! This would be considered most US States legal drinking limit age. So have fun.
In the beginning, I complete-voted diligently until... (gasps) I was told it was not necessary and only do 2 that mattered to receive the vote. Said party(ies) shall remain un-named and no amount of torture will yield informations.
However, in the last 2 months... for whatever reason, my brain said it was unfair to RoB not to receive its just rating in the votes since it most likely yield good advertising and more players. Some of those new players would probably buy VIP and plasma which in turns continue the running of this game I enjoy. Plus it excited me so to see RoB's name in one of the 3 placed slots. Why... I have no idea.
Okay has anybody ever had this happen to them? They at 8:00PM (EST) then the main vote for list resets at 1:00AM(EST). You try to vote at 6:00AM and get this message "Your Vote has not been recorded you have voted in the last 24 hours" Is this the possible problem that you have? And yes you still get the five points for clicking on the site.
Don't worry. Even *if* i reduce the turns I'll make sure its still possible for non vips to get 400 turns.
People this isn't a threat, its a friendly warning for people to start actually VOTING. ;)
i don't think u have to if u don't wont to
Here are some of the problems leading to incomplete votes:
Vote option becomes available on RoB page, but voting site says "Your vote has not been recorded as you have voted in the last 24 hours" - but vote is apparently counted anyway because 5 points are added.
A site that is down for maintenance or receiving SQL or some other page load error - but points have been added.
A site that gives "ERROR" instead of the proper letter code to type in - but points have been added.
A site where you must click two links to complete the vote, but the confirmation button does not work and keeps bringing back the same page. (This, i just discovered, is due to the site not liking firefox, as my daughter uses opera and has no problems)
It appears there are many ways to receive errors but credit is given for vote regardless. I have always gone down the voting list and disregarded the errors that come up, assuming credit won't be given for the incompletes. Last night i experimented and discovered credit IS being given for them, so i will try to avoid the errored sites, as will my daughter. But really, something should be done about all the errors, it is not necessarily due to "laziness" that people are not voting, but many many site errors.
Meanwhile in case i can not be here on the weekend HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a wonderful weekend celebration, have fun, eat lots of cake and good stuff, but be careful and don't drink too much. Congratulations 21!
ooooooohhhhhh...for he's a jolly good fellow,for he's a jolly good fellow,for he's a jolly good feeeeeeeelllllooooooowwwwwwww,that nobody came deny....welcome to tha 30something club ash
I will admit, I used to vote much more regularly than I have been lately. Unfortunately with my connection, it does take quite a while to vote on all the sites. I will try to vote a little more often again because I do enjoy the turn bonus. But I will have about a week this month without internet access.
Well reading Dark Ashes comment above it's not about people being lazy and not completing the vote. It's about the people who don't vote period. That is a totally different issue.
Anonymous, please read the blog entry:
"So this means people are getting lazy and not completing their vote... I give the turn bonus in return for you completing the vote"
The issue seems pretty clear.
I did read the blog entry and then read his second entry
"People this isn't a threat, its a friendly warning for people to start actually VOTING."
Now I suppose it could be taken many different ways, but I read it to mean he is talking about people who aren't voting at all. It's also possible that he is trying to tie the two together.
I can understand the anger at people not following through with the voting sites, but honestly, can you blame them? People are going to take advantage of loopholes. If you don't HAVE to vote to get the bonus, why would you bother. If the voting sites become set to where the bonus only counts if the player actually votes, then problem solved. Otherwise, you can expect people will still continue to use the system to their advantage.
This sounds weird. I mean, he is the maker of the game, and lets you play. he makes the rules, and he can change them at any time he wants. if you don't like it, don't play. Ash is just letting us know he "might" do this. He really does not have to tell us anything. probably going to make people mad with this, but is my opinion.
on the flip side, happy birthday ash!! i remember that age as being real fun. been a while though,lol.
have a wonderful day and don't go to jail,lol.
If the site is still getting new members, why the whining about voting?
and i agree, it does take longer than 30 secs to vote.
and third, i've got a couple of friends who play who are visually impaired, and either cnnot read the captias or have trouble with them. I, myself, have only one eye, which may or may not be dying as we speak.
Very fair, Ash.
PS: don't give me that bullshit, that i got once about how blind people can't play or this isn't a game for blind people...I've heard it before on here, so to those who think it, grow the hell up. just trying to see that my friends can play just as much as the rest of us. Isn't that what we want? more players?
Happy bday dark ash. Lol
To be honest i could give a rats rosy red butt about the votes, ill continue to vote as i always do....Happy Birthday Ash!!..."they say its your birthday...well its my birthday to" Not...hey i like that Beatles song :P
Dreamgirl of Camelaird
153620 says...
Oz-games200.com - Australian Multiplayer Online Games Directory
Could Not connect to MySQL
does that count as a vote?
"I read it to mean he is talking about people who aren't voting at all."
It means a vote is not actually a vote if it is not COMPLETED. Why would Ash care about votes that don't credit the site? If the site gets no credit, the "vote" doesn't exist.
"If you don't HAVE to vote to get the bonus, why would you bother"
Because we appreciate the game, and want to support the site?
"If the site is still getting new members, why the whining about voting?"
Nobody whined, merely pointed something out. Why must every observation or statement of fact prompt an accusation of "whining"? Honestly, the overuse of that word has gotten irritating.
So yeah, there really are alot of errors with these voting sites, but I'll make a list of the ones that don't work and try not to use them anymore. Never realised they were giving turns anyway.
Go ahead and reduce the turns rewarded.
+1 to your list of people who don't care.
dont be a stupid cunt, ash. not every1 has a super fast computer like you and can vote in 30 seconds. my comp sux ass and it takes me about 5 miserable minutes to vote.
Happy b'day ash, hope all goes well for you, I think given the current circumstances,that being given these extra turns is a privilege and should be considered as such by all who invest any time in this game, so don't bitch about it if he's giving you something for free for Christs sake, I for one don't believe in cutting corners, so do what you have to do to get some votes in ash.. Cheers..
Just wondering... Do most of the voting sites even condone offering players intensives and bribes to vote daily for a game? If they did, would they not be like the before mentioned two sites that have a "response" to ROB on a successful vote, I am to tired to look at the rules on the sites. I just know some of the old games I used to play ran into trouble with voting sites for offering in game bonuses in exchange for voting.
I usually don't post more than once here however some of these comments have irked me no end. People (especially those who remain "anonymous" and call nasty names!) wake up! This is NOT so much about the extra turns as it is the rating of the game within the industry.
The higher the game rates, the better it becomes and we ALL gain from that. It's about those who don't take the time. And to whine about the time it takes and go on about it is also ridiculous in my view. Again, the higher this game is rated in the online rpg's, the more each and every one of us gains in turn. And if Ash gains (as he does when the game is rated higher) then we all gain. It's easier for Ash to make more strides in the industry.
Living in the area where MS and Nintendo have their corporate offices, I can tell you all that it does matter! So please ... no matter the time, vote! This is a great game and I don't want to lose those bonuses! And those who care not ... well, that's just sad. Why must people try to get "something" (turns) for aboslutely "nothing" (not following through).
The other alternative? If the game drops far enough Ash may just decide to disconinue it and I can tell you, in comparison the other vamp games suck! Yes it may take longer than 30 seconds ... however in the end it counts. And if you're going to whine ... at least have the courage to identify yourselves. Sheesh!
Once again Ash ... have a great week-end for your birthday and have a pint of Guiness for me! :D
First off Happy Birthday secondly I think it's a bit messed up that you would remove the turns from the voting it stops it for all not just those who don't vote. Truly a shame.
Thanks slayer and i will ;)
"First off Happy Birthday secondly I think it's a bit messed up that you would remove the turns from the votinh"
Never said that.
Sorry for the second post on this, but heh..omg, this is funny...if you don't care about the extra turns for voting, and are so pained for time...why'd ya click on the link about it? If someone doesn't care, then why take the time to post on it? Either way, it seems he's just letting everyone know what's going on. No reason to go on like a child about it. This is a free game, voting isn't too much to ask of people that either aren't willing or are unable to pay for a game. Be happy you have so many freedoms in this game socially and rp-wise. I have seen many things in the different chat channels that would get you BANNED in most games, esp. the ones you must pay out of pocket for. If all he asks is that you vote, and it's not even something you HAVE to do...I mean really, it may take a little time, but it's not painful! lol And as for that torture, Sp1cy One...Can I have yours? lol I hope that regardless of the prepubescent behaviors, your B-day is good and your hangover isn't too bad!
You know it amazes me how rude and inconsiderate some of you are...Ash works hard to give us a great game. In return all he asks is that we vote and on top of that he rewards us for it. FFS has some respect.
Ash, I would be disappointed if the amount of turns were to be lowered. You can never have enough turns lol.
Jahi Helel Lasombra
Happy Birthday Ash,
People need to quit complaining so much Ash is just trying to get you all to start completitng the votes. He hasn't reduced or took away anything as of now. I personally back Ash in whatever decidion that he makes. I myself understand where you are coming from and i too rely on those extra turns but if that is what it takes than so be it. Ash keep up the good job I'll be here in support.
Always Friend and Supportor,
So33y Bluemoon
just wanted to say that i could not put my name to my post for some reason, probalby cause i am computer impaired,lol. but mine is the the one that starts "ok this is weird"
my name in the game is Toria and i will put it in here the next time i post a comment
Happy early birthday Ash!!! I hope you have a good one!
I have no idea what this is all about, I just joined today... :( This is CulturalMansonite if you'd like to respond to me.
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