Monday, 17 August 2009

Is Reign Of Blood shutting down?

No it is NOT. I am getting some blood letters asking me if it's being shut down. I don't know who it's coming from but it is NOT true.

If Reign Of Blood is going to be shut down i WILL POST IT HERE or SOMEWHERE on the site. Do not believe pathetic rumours. It's never going to happen ;)

In other news for those who have yet to realise I've added the entry link on all RoB pages, I'm giving you all a chance to enter each week. If it does well enough I could run it daily so more money is won, i will also run competitions that if a RoB user wins they could win some in game goodies too, thanks for your support with that!

PS - No matter what people say, the site cannot get sued and shut down because a member does not get on with the staff :)

Keep on laughing :)


onlineRELLIK said...

ha ha, yet to hear about that, but its funny :)

Anonymous said...

Not heard it yet but if I did I tell the messenger to bite me.

Jada Deatheater said...

ohh this is too funny! BTW does it help the new site to click a link a day? I know it does not up the odds of wining, but does it earn more money from it?

Slayer_XIII_Boudicca's_Line said...

Well that's a right good rumour Ash ... and one that could upset many to be sure. Perhaps you need put a larger "sign" to your blog? That way this type of thing can't take hold and have a go? Just for you Ash ... lmbo, lol, rofl ... and so on! :)

Anonymous said...

LoL:p Some people will do anything to get attention right?!:) Isn't it enough to have a great game to play and people to chat with?!:)

Anonymous said...

lol nice...I'm glad


Juggalette Izabetta said...

Haha funny.

Daisy said...

heard a lot of them but not this one...thanks for dispelling it prior to it reaching the majority :)

Anonymous said...

Not heard it Yet,But ill tell the messanger to Go and Jump from a Clif.Lmfao,Not itterally..Unless they are stupid enough to do.Rotflmao,Great Work Ash,Stay Great!!:)

Anonymous said...

Hey Dark Ash, I just wanted to let you know that a website such as this, can if fact be shut down without any say so from you or anyone else for that matter. Not wishing it on this site or any other i enjoy coming to, but stating a fact. The real reason I'm here is because of a wrongful ban that I would like some explanation to. Seeing as how Aftershock told my brother that he would not message anyone else in my family banned, I thought I would bring the matter to you myself and see what you thought about it.



Anonymous said...

About the Guess the Code, I don't know if anyone else has said this or not, but I got two emails from it, one giving someone else's email instead of my own. If you haven't already you should probably fix that.

Twizz (59875) said...

Well, I am glad the rumors are not true. It would really suck if RoB got shut down. Just the other day I was thinking that one day when I am in college, that I would be a really high player and top of the notch.! -snickers- Still a couple years in the future. Love ya Ashy!

Rez said...

@ Anon ^^ I had the same thing, but it was corrected very quickly.

Just so you know you're not the only one

Slitten said...

Didnt hear of the closing down and great work with the guess the code site :)

Arcane said...

Ash, Your full of yourself aren't you? Well as you may thing many people know how to shut down sites like this without even needing to Notify you, They also can do it without even getting your say about it. I am a Proud member of Reign of blood until a Mod decided to Abuse his powers and you wouldn't waste your time even looking on the subject. I would love to see this site shut down if this crap continues

ID: 64141 said...

Don't like it well feel free to piss off :)
Ask is doing a great job!

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