Sunday, 23 August 2009


The new server HAS been installed. There was only about an hour downtime, going to keep an eye on the speed etc, but it should be faster. Going to start some more advertising now to get some fresh blood in. Anyone notice any faster speeds or is it about the same?

Comment this :)


Thank you to everyone who applied for QOTD staff. There were SO many entries, over 150. I could not narrow it down because its just too many. So i went through narrowed it down to 50 & then let fate decide. So your new QOTD staff are:

Duke Danse Macambre (85239)
Arhat (146154)
Goddess Peitho Bluemoon (164737)
Nammers (150132)

Congrats you 3 :) Of course this is a trial period, we'll see how you get on over the next few weeks and make any changes if needed.

If you 3 are reading this (which you should :P) send me a blood letter on how to set things up.

Thanks again for everyone wanting to help, your time will come =]



MuDD said...

congratz to the new staff, and I am looking forward to the new servers going up =] so does that mean I am looking forward to the downtime... well kinda it means good things afterward

Slayer_XIII_Boudiccas_Line said...

Congratulations to all three of you! I look forward to the questions that you post ... particularly you Goddess Peitho; it's going to be nice to have the new server as well Ash ... and the additional Quests are awesome! Thanks again to you Ash, and to all the RoB Staff for it would be an unwelcome world without all that you do! *bows*

Anonymous said...


Cograts to all the new staff

Anonymous said...

yeah... its a lot faster than before... Thanks! GODspeed

Anonymous said...

there appears to be four QOTD staff yet you speak off only three, is the fourth not worthy of being mentioned? :(

Anonymous said...

there appears to be four QOTD staff yet you speak off only three, is the fourth not worthy of being mentioned? :(

Guildythewicked said...

Congrats you folks.

Anonymous said...

apparently not :( even with this rerun i wasnt mentioned :( nasty ashies.

nammers xx

†Juggalette Izabetta† (200221) said...

Congrats all new QOTD staff!

Semera Bloodlust said...

Congrats to the new stat and thanks Ash for the new quests.. I'm off to play on the new server! ;)

Anonymous said...

How is it that blood letters sent for the QoTD staff positions are still marked as unread if you went through them all?

DarkAsh said...

I marked most of them as unread again.

Duke Danse Macambre said...

Only only just found out, quite excited so thank you.
Will have to start racking my brain for questions now. :D

Sp1cy Song said...

Congratulations to all 4. I live for QOTD. If ever you need a referral for another Staff member, I know the exact person for the job. She's awesome with our Coven QOTD daily. No it is not me at all but another, just for the record.

Anonymous said...

about time the new server was here nice to see the plasma gulpers are helping in some way:)

Anonymous said...

congrats to u all

Dok said...

Good Job!

I need help with my 50 click achievement only 12 more clicks needed! My link is

Please use my url link.

Shadow Stalker said...

For a big ass server having been installed I gotta say the speeds are as bout as good as before for me here in the UK...evening times are a wash out I just do my stuff am time...That aint me whining thats me replying to the request for info on ever I'm still here to stay :)

Anonymous said...

seems the same

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