Thursday, 18 December 2008

A few small updates...

First off i created a FaceBook group for all the RoB members. And you should all join it :) I will be making a MySpace one too but i have to wait 7 days before i can make it.

For those who havn't noticed (hard not too) I have changed the layout of the "home" section, also added a few todays stats and viewing last posted status updates which were suggested. I've had possitive feedback so far which is good.

For new players, i have had a couple mails telling me it takes to you long to get to level 2,  agree or disagree i have had a few of these, so i have stuck a +100 blood bonus on your first battle. Everyone will get this, so enjoy the extra blood =P

Thank you to everyone who has applied for the helper position, i have yet to read them, but Aftershock has gone through a few of them and told me there is a lot lol.

The server seems to be running a bit better now, but with the sudden unexpected amount of signups it might start sucking in more resources again, so a backup plan has been set, but more on that in the new year.

There will probably be one blog post before Christmas, i'm heading off home on Saturday for the Xmas week as a lot of other people probably are too, so if you cant get to the next blog, merry christmas :)


Anonymous said...

might be a bug, ive had 2 reports (me and someone else) who had the message showing up for every kill we made. not sure if it was actually adding the blood every time or not, just noticed the message.

Anonymous said...

well hapy x mas ash you need a break

Anonymous said...

You work hard Ashie ^^ Nice job.

Unknown said...

I guess it takes time to get used to the new look of home section, because it's quite difficult to find something in there now. But like I said, maybe it's just a matter of time getting used to. Happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas to u too :)

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