Monday, 16 July 2012

Boys Vs Girls Event - Round 2 Results

Boys Vs Girls Event Round 2 Results
For those that don't remember round 1 of this event last month, the competition was based on total wins, and the girls beat the boys by about 30,000 wins. I collected the total blood during that event too, and that was even closer than the wins, so this round was based on blood collected, not the wins.

Final result:
Boys: 21,222,234 blood collected
Girls: 20,090,921 blood collected

So the boys win by 1,131,313 blood (+5%), a good effort by everyone I think. All the boys that took part get 100 free turns and 5 free QP!

For statisical information only, I did the win count as well. And the results? It definitely showed people not killing like crazy and more on trying to get good kills for the blood.

Total wins by the boys: 157,960 wins
Total wins by the girls: 173,329 wins

As you can tell, the girls got more wins again with a difference of 15,369 (+9%).  Let me know what you think in the comments and/or the feedback thread for this event.

And as always, thanks for everyone who took part in this event.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the week :)


Unknown said...

I love these, we should do more of them :)

Anonymous said...

I really enj0yed this event. It was a l0t 0f fun. ^_^. I h0pe we can d0 an0ther event very s00n. Actually, I just knew that the males w0uld win if it was based 0n BL00D, instead 0f wins. The ladies did well 0n the first event, but 0n this event..we males..R0cked the W0rld. ;)

Great j0b, fellas. Let's keep up the g00d w0rk, & h0pe f0r an0ther great/fun event like this again. ^^

Anonymous said...

This was a fun event lets have it agian!later ejp

Anonymous said...

Would have loved to have seen the running score, during the last couple of days. Perhaps it might have changed the outcome. A handshake offered to the males in sporting admiration...this round at least ;)

Anonymous said...

Being only 14days into the site I have to say I had a blast and cant wait for another event.. I agree with Alysha it would be fun to do more events like this one.. Good work guys.. :)

Duke Danse Macambre said...

Regardless of the results it is still not a even field.

Perhaps next time we can average the results for all active players to make everyone have the same chance?....

marisa aka aphrodite moon said...

I really enjoyed the event and hope the chance for the girls to try to win back the top spot..

Deamon Whispers said...

10+ Ash great Ideas and way to make the Game more interesting with all the cool stuff lately

Anonymous said...

Damn and here I thought guys only went hardcore on gaming.

Anonymous said...

I prefer no running score, as that had dulled the first event for me. This round made all the anticipation sweeter. Unfortunately, the ladies lost. Congrats to the gentleman for the victory!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Duke neither competition was not an even field ... perhaps we could try scoring half number of wins and half amount of blood, that way everyone's efforts count as well as giving the boys/ men a chance since there are more female players. And by all means seeing the scores before it's over is wonderful .... Vi

Anonymous said...

I think this compitition really gets everyone going. and even though I cant perticipate, I think this shows that girls can be just as strong as guys. watch out guys, you will be bled dry. hehehe. mew.

Legion White Tiger said...

Girl going for quantity over quality? Shame on you. :)

Anonymous said...

I think..we girls got less prizes..? Whats up with

DarkAsh said...

The prizes were exactly the same.

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