Boys Vs Girls Event Results
This has been a pretty fun event I think, and as unpredictable as it was (at the start), I am not all that surprised at the result. The funny this was - over the first day or so when the scores were hidden, I was watching them and the girls were only a couple thousand ahead of the boys, then after that the gap slowly increased. Even with these current scores, I'm still pleasantly surprised how close they are.Final result:
Boys: 187,713
Girls: 221,158
So the girls win by 33,445 wins (+17.8%), a good effort by everyone I think. All the girls that took part get 100 free turns and 5 free QP!
Although this was kind of a "test event" as I really had no idea how this would go (its one thing knowing the ratio genders of active players, its another thing to work out who would take part or not). So for statisical information only, I did a blood count. And the results? Very interesting.
Total blood earned by the boys: 20,706,332
Total blood earned by the girls: 19,910,840
As you can tell, it's a lot closer with a difference of 795,492 (+4%). So maybe the next boy vs girl event should be based on blood? Let me know what you think in the comments and/or the feedback thread for this event.
And as always, thanks for everyone who supported the game and bought a special plasma pack, and to everyone who took part in this event.
Hope you enjoy the rest of the week :)
I think everyone saw this coming! Nice try boys :) Although, they did get more blood!
Nice event Ash. Well done! Girls rock!!
Well the guys might have gotten more blood, however that's because we girls carry more blood to begin with. If I have to explain that one, well all the more obvious why we won! LOL Way to go Ladies!!! WooT! Thanks Ash, it was a ton of fun! Perhaps based on blood the next time, though not sure that's as good! *winks*
Hmmm interesting thought...Maybe switch it up every now and then whenever you hold this type of event. 1 time could be just for the kills & another time be for the blood....then maybe a surprise one not letting anyone know what its going to be for blood or kill count style. Keeping it mixed up every now and then when you hold the contest. :D
hahahaha mmmmm QP.....
A consolation prize of sorts to the Boys then...perfect!
Its was fun and i did enjoy
my self very much..wipes the guys blood from her chin..
Would love the opportunity to kill guys once again for gifts or fun ...winks...
next time there should be some factoring in the ratio of male to my oppinion...
subtle menstruation reference there. make it a blood contest next time. cheers to everyone, twas a good time. congrats ladies
I think most of the men just gave up. The woman always want to prove their self better than men and men are more interested in the free QP and turns, yet the woman wanted to prove their self better than men.
Well done, girls! Let's hope the next B vs G Event is a "literal bloodbath"!! :D
Thanks for running this event it was great fun ... Yeh for Girlpower !!! .... next time ??? ... not sure what levels the playing field as when you compete for blood one must also consider rank and power not just number of girls and guys ... but I'll be there whatever is decided ... thanks for the turns and QP ... very generous :-)
I think a blood contest would be more balanced and both teams would have a better chance of winning!! Bring it on!!
No excuses,the contest was for kills and the girls whipped us,nicely done ladies a well deserved win.
i think it should be a win to us both ye the girls killed more but we had more blood so we deserve to win aswell
i hope girls win they r very smart
Subtle, Tommy? lol
The reason the guys got more blood is because they weren't just killing low ranks to get the kills.
exactly we whent for the stronger oponants so in that way we also deserve to win
"whent" and "oponants" arent even words, so we deserve to lose because you are sadly a member of my sex.
it's great to know that the community has a lot of great gentlemen, who, even at the cost of their gargantuan egos, always remember to be bigger than themselves and let the ladies take the trophies =q
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