Thursday, 7 June 2012

-Boys VS Girls- 5 Day Event

Boys Vs Girls
An interesting concept was discussed in the forum this past week, and having heard covens do this in the past, I thought it would be a bit different and a bit of fun to create a game wide Girls Vs Boys competition.

Things are going to get steamy.

It's time for some pure girl vs boy killing showing off.

There will be two tallies, wins and blood. Whichever team gets the most wins will win the event, and a turn & QP reward will be given to everyone on the winning side who takes part. A blood tally will be taken, but for information purposes only. The current score will remain hidden until Saturday evening where the event section in the Dead City will display the current scores right until the end of the event.

What counts as win? An attack win. Being attacked and losing does not count as a win for the other side. The only wins that count are wins that you initiate (Players attacked must be rank 2+ to count). A win is counted no matter who you attack you, it's about the total wins each gender gets as a total.  TIP: You want as many as turns as possible, don't forget to vote every day and make full use of potions.

The event will kick off at MIDNIGHT tonight (game time) and continue to MIDNIGHT evening of Tuesday.

Little plasma boost
Throughout this event we'll have a small plasma sale too. Up to 25% extra plasma on all the standard plasma packs! Click here to get yours now.

Have fun & good luck!


Bexie said...

Come on Girls!<3

Anonymous said...

Fun!!!! Killing time!!!

Bexie said...

Come on girls!<3

Laynaa™ said...

Awesome, Im totally in. Just another way for us females to showcase our superiority. <3

Gabriella said...

Awesome!!! Mwahahaha i love lil comps. like these can't wait! XD

Anonymous said...

Whoop!!!eh ladies will win,more free time

Anonymous said...

Oh and win what exactly,there is a prize right???

Boudica Night Tigress said...

Might as well chalk the win up to us girls now Ash! :D Fact is, it's well established that women are smarter than the men, and naturally ... we carry the extra "magick" of birthing. So this one is over ere it starts! Muuuaaaaahhhhhh! LOL Awesome idea Ash! :)

Rizzy said...

Today, I love you Ash.

Phantom said...

Lol, Let the massacre begin. Let's do this Men!

Koralia Maxin said...

LOL, girls for the win!!

Chris said...

...Think I'll just sit this one out. I'm gonna lose anyway

tommy said...

killing pathetic 13 year old twilight girls is reward enough, but i cant complain about a little prize on the side. rally fellas

Lady Anubis said...

Do NPC kills count toward wins, or only pvp kills?

Anonymous said...

500 turns and counting. just to start..

Lilura said...

i have plenty of others to carry me ....lets go ladies

Anonymous said...

Yes !!! This will be great fun ... thanks Ash ... And now we'll see what Girl Power really means !!!

Anonymous said...

It is always said, girls have sweeter blood then men. I'll find that out soon enough. ;) just don't approach me, i might bite harder then you expect. Guys shouldn't lose to a small little female who needs protection. So go head and slaughter them'em all. heh...

Zaine said...

So in on this! Bring it boys!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this sucks, it's actually quite unfair because much of the population of the game is females becasue of the recent Twilight uprising...

Dutch Wolff said...

The guys are skuh-rewed... everyone knows who the most prolific killers are, in Nature and here in RoB.

Roy said...

I'm glad i'm a member of NO MA'AM.

Anonymous said...

What's with the sexist comments, it's only a game... -.-

Anonymous said...

So, all the mums who sit at home all day will win this and also the teen twilight fans.

yawn, concede already, more girls play this game no matter what the site stats may say

tommy said...

the moms, the teens, and the teen moms have a clear advantage... but the fellas gotta give em hell anyway. kudos to the NO MA'AM roy, subtle 'married with children' reference. good stuff!

†KatherinePierce™† said...

lets go girls!!! ;)

Joutja Redmayne said...

This looks interesting. Only thing I'm not looking forward to is the bragging about "oh, girls are better than boys" or visa versa depending on who wins. I find bragging pointless and just shows how much an annoying idiot (polite term) someone is. It will be especially annoying to those who don't want to participate, including me.

Anonymous said...

Lets Go Men

Anonymous said...

Some of these ladies are a waste of turns to kill

Anonymous said...

Are you going to take into account the difference between the number of female characters compared to male characters or is it just win/lose?

Anonymous said...

WOW this is funny I knew from the Start that this was going to be a pretty one sided deal seeing as a good percentageof Rob is females the only thing us guys have going for us is that most the ones active and willing to participate are True blood hounds and willing to kill any thing that moves either way I like a little competition now and then lets rally Guys and give them hell these next couple days vote and use all them turns the best advantage

WrathVishous said...

Does a kill from a male to another male count as a kill for the female team?!

Gabriella said...

Oh look how well the Girl Power has pulled together & showed the Boys how weak we are not. Awesome job girls now lets keep it up & REALLY show em...Mwahahahah
Fangs out & nails sharpened; rip out throats,& rip out hearts. Come on Chicka's and let's get really dirty & bloody & Win by a Landslide. :D

Shardy said...

I do love killing,,wooooo

People complain to much ,
just kill an have fun ,,
...smiles a wicked smile, as she looks at the guys...

Thank you Ash ,,way fun,,hehe

Unknown said...

Well, I'm not on vacation this time so I'll do my part and my bro's out. WHile there may be more ladies active, it'll be fun to compete either way.

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