Saturday, 19 March 2011

Hourly turn changes, quest changes & new gym update [Updated]

Quest changes
The quest list 1 has been annihilated. They were made years ago and they're just not worth modernizing. So things like the bar pass etc no longer exist. In the space of quest list 1 are the "duration quests", which currently consist of the metal man and potion mixer quests. The quest 2 list is now the quest 1 list. Sorry for the confusion, but I'd thought I'd let you all know so you can update your guides accordingly.

New Gym
The gym is one of the first features that was created for the game, and it's been pretty much the same the entire life on the game. So today, I can happily announce a new update for it, along with some changes to ensure proper addition of your stats.

- New enhanced training added. You get 25 (more for VIPs) motivation a day for a chance of x0.04 at the gym. The enhanced box will disappear when you have no motivation to use. (Non VIPs still do not have x0.03 unlocked). This is OPTIONAL. It's completely up to you if you want to use this or not. Some people, of course, won't like spending 25 turns in one go, and that's fine. It's an optional chance of you getting a better result from training.

- Everyone starts with 25 motivation (You will have 25 until reset tonight where you will get added the correct amount due to your VIP etc)

- The minimum amount of turns per train in now 10 if you have over 9999 in any stat due to rounding problems.

It's best you just head over to the gym and check it out for yourself :)

Hourly Turns update
People have always asked me why the odd 14 and 19 hourly turns. The honest answer is, I cannot remember. So non VIPs now get 15 turns an hour, and VIPs get 20 turns an hour. I'm sure plenty of you will be pleased by this.

Extra turns, plasma special, beer drinking & gold coin hoarding ends tomorrow night. Enjoy it whilst it lasts :)



Anonymous said...

Thanks Ash!(:

~Most Unholy~ Alchemist said...

I always wondered....

D.A. Deathsbane said...

I always did wonder :P But thanks! :) Much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much

Unknown said...

liking the new changes so far :)

Anonymous said...

I'm VIP and I only got 25 motivation. I read that wrong? :S

Anonymous said...

I also wonder why 14 and 19 :)) that was the best answer I heard Ash! Thanks :)

Isabella Night (80510) said...

Changes are looking good. Kudos Ash.

DarkAsh said...

Your motivation will only reset if its at 0. So you have to use it to get it the next day :)

Vergil Sparda (Knightmare) (466318) said...

I like everything even the changes>

Anonymous said...

awesome i guess

Anonymous said...

WOW a competent individual who actually admits, "I don't remember" ... almost "Historic" ... keep those great algorhytms beating .... ty

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