Brand new buy VIP page
I've completely (for the most part) re-designed the buy VIP page. I was looking at the page last week thinking "this is a complete mess". So I decided over the last week to re-design it. The changes include:- VIP & VIP+ (VIP Max) tick box table to advertise features & benefits
- Ability to buy VIP Max for 6 months & 1 year
- Slightly cheaper prices for our New Zealand players
- Added pre-paid cards, gift packs & mobile packs at the top
- Made the whole page a lot less cluttered
- Direct [Buy Now] link which takes you to one page explaining both Paypal and Google Checkout.
- Added a $10 plasma pack
- Added a $15 Dark Ruby pack (+5% critical & no rank requirement.) This has been quite a requested option, of course the top ruby is 12% so you still need to fork out loads of IG money to get top rubies :)
- New cheaper mobile packs. There are now mobile packs available (for some countries) where you can buy packs as small as 1 plasma and 7 VIP days.
Gift Packs
Carrying on from the new VIP page, the gift packs now offer all the regular packs for you to buy other players for any special occasions that may be going on.Pancakeeeeesssssssssssss!
Tuesday 8th March is Shrove Tuesday. Over here in the UK we celebrate that by eating pancakes. So starting from now until Wednesday night all plasma packs contain pancakes you can eat! You can also have a chance of getting some pancakes from the daily quests too ;) Oh and by the way, because pancakes are so awesome, there are no bad ones! (Everyone starts off with 3 free pancakes too!)I'm glad everyone enjoyed the double blood weekend! When people complain to me nobody is alive all day, I know you've all enjoyed it :)
If there are any problems with VIP/Plasma packs, please contact me ASAP.
Have a good one
Looks great.
I can finally buy a large pack.
Nice one.
Glad to see larger vip max packs at last, as well as new rubies.
Emperor pancake (227156)
WooT! Love it when I can have a taste of "home" for Shrove Tuesday Ash! And I does love pancakes! ;) New page is awesome and much easier... well done you!
Num Num pancekes!Thanks Ash.
about bloody wekend it was cool!!! We want more surprises!!!
PANCAKES >:D!!!!!! WOOT WOOT >:3 Aweosme <3
<333333333 Gotta love those pancakes
Pancakes are vile...
Just keeps on getting better and better ... LOVE IT !!! DarkAsh YOU actually THIS CREATIVE all by yourself, Man This Is Enough for a museum full of World Class Artists ... I mean I know you must have a little bit of a staff, but even so !!! AWESOME ...
Kia Alanna pancake Jeeves.
The new page is great, I loves the pancakes. :)
I was going to make a joke about having waffles... nevermind... :)
I missed the double blood because I was trying to make money online to give to you ash..... ( including the money I spend on my coven mates... big presents ;)
Hmph. I never liked pancakes. *shrugs* Sorry, cannot help it. Only time I do like pancakes is when they stay out of my way. xD
Cannot help it. Pancakes are vile. Totally vile. ._. And suspicious! Acting all innocent under the syrup! ._.
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