Small quest change
I have removed the V quest from the quest lists. They seem to be causing more hassle then they're worth as we're getting a lot of help tickets about it. It's meant to be a pain in the ass, but I think it's too much of a pain in the ass. Please remove it from your guides.Potion updates
So you're curious what's going on with the potions? All in good time my friends.
People don't say thank you enough. This is my thank you.
Thank you for playing RoB.
Thank you for telling your friends about RoB
Thank you for donating to RoB
Thank you for buying a charity pack to help us raise money for good causes
Thank you for posting your link around
Thank you for sticking through the painful quests I create
Thank you for giving feedback on the work I do
Thank you for voting us top RPG every year
Thank you for helping me make this the best online vampire RPG
Thank you for creating covens which are homes to so many vampires
Thank you for keeping the competition high throughout the game
Thank you for taking part in events and competitions
Thank you for allowing me to create and work on something loved by many people.
Thank you for keeping RoB going for nearly 5 years.
Want me to shut up yet?
To show how thankful I am, this weekend you all get:
- +10 turns an hour for everyone
- Double points on all the points offers
- Double bank interest
- Double PvP battle blood
- Double PvP battle coven exp
- Double motivation
Get another +10 turns an hour if you buy any of the charity packs this weekend!
It's going to be a mental weekend...
Have fun guys,
Nice :)
Thank you for all your hard work making RoB even greater than it is! Thank you for all the goodies! Thank you for making life a wee bit more bearable with RoB... roflmao! Seriously Ash this is awesome! So one more time: Thank you!!! :D You ROCK!
Ash, you're awesome. Thank *YOU* for all the work that you do for us. This is awesome news.
Sweet! Thank YOU for RoB! :)
You are awesome Ash ;)
Thank you Ash, for creating such a great game!!!
Thank You thats awesome! :)
Extra Blood <3333 and interest
Sweet, thank YOU Ash!
Thank you for creating RoB.
Thank you for keeping RoB going.
Thank you for all the great updates.
Thank you for listening to what the players are saying.
Thank you for keeping us updated.
Thank you for the extras you give us all.
Thank you for the great way to spend our money.
Thank you for doing so much work for RoB.
Thank you, Ash!
Thank you , Thank you ,,hehe
Arigato Ash-san...
i know i give you static all the time... criticism and skepticism are the staple of honesty... though id like to also express my thanks... you run a classy game and ive enjoyed it for 744 days and counting. cheers to ya, honkey lips!
No, thank YOU, Ash.
<3 Ashward.
Thank you for creating RoB!
And to be honest, thank you for giving me the chance to meet some truly amazing people, people I wouldn't have met if RoB didn't exist!
Keep it up :) I'll play RoB until i'm pensioned out ::)
Thank you Ash! You are the best game creator ever, you make yourself so tangible. You communicate with us like we are your friends. And you really seem to care about our prospective regarding the game. You are brilliant and unique! keep being you Ash, much love!
Thanks Ash
I've come back to this game year after year (lost accounts due to moving) and have always loved it.
Thanks Ash :)))
I'm sure you're making the RoB community very happy!
Thank you for the double EXP & blood!!
My Gawds...I'm seeing double! Thank you kindly, Ash. :)
Thank you, Ash. <33
Love yah Ash! Thanks for the goodies love them <3 :D
Thanks ASH
BTW your awesome
thank you for making such a game and thank you for the extras
No thank you for probing you? -k-
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