I'll be honest with you, yesterday I went to this horse racing show thing (not my prime choice of an afternoon) but I was standing around for 7 hours. Needless to say my feet were aching pretty bad by the end of it, so when I got home in the evening I just went to bed. So I couldn't finish the may Competition last night! Again I'm fully pre-booked tonight so I'll be ending it Wednesday night at midnight game time.
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Tuesday, 1 June 2010
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GoGo gemfinders!
Suck it "firsters"
I kind of hate you. Just end the effing thing so we can get on with our lives. Extending it is only torture and laziness on your part.
HAHA I'm on the list....
LMAO! Runs to eat dirt
-Riz ;)
Oiy Its a May comp ya stupid emo brit.
So totally unfair to those who were working their arses off so close to the end - only to find out it wasn't the end just because you were in bed. It wouldn't take any effort to see what the real result was at midnight instead of annoying people by extending it.
Ok, first stop hiding behind the Anonymous. all u that say bad stuff about every blog that Ash puts up is just a cowered, u dont wanna get kicked off, well then dont say anything unless its something nice.
Oh Btw Nice making it go an extra day Ash :) -hugs-
spelling 'coward'
One who shows ignoble fear in the face of danger or pain.
I would have to say that I agree with what at least 3 of the 'Anonymous' comments are saying. And @ Killer Kitty... if you are going to try and attack people for their opinions, please try and use the correct spelling, it does make it a little laughable. Oh and 10 points awarded for the brown nose :D
Erella said it best kitty killer, you [fail] , ash great job being lazy, keep up the good work and all of RoB will fall to the wolves:d
I have to say I am disappointed with the comp extension. I was looking forward to having it be over. For the past month, I have giving every single turn to this comp(as I M SURE Mny others have also), and was looking forward to doing some serious training. I have come to far to just throw in the towel, otherwise everything I've invested would be for nothing..
Please Ash, Just end it A.S.A.P.
I wish everyone would stop complaining. You all enter the contest so get over it! So what if its extended at least whoever wins gets awesome prizes that cost alot of money in the real world! You could always stop and spend alot of money for what you get instead. Be glad Ash made the contest so everyone would have the chance for those prizes! Stop crying about matters that are beyond your control! Ugh! I hate selfish people! Keep up the good work Ash! :)
Give the guy a break, if it wasn't for him you wouldn't have a competition, or Reign of Blood come to think of it.....as for getting on with your life Mr Anonymous, there is an easy way of doing that....turn off your PC.
Ash, your doing a fantastic job. A great big thank you for RoB..... mwah.
Pussy, pussy, pussy, whine, whine, whine... Ash has a real Fkin life and has shit to do.. If you do't like it piss off or go fck yourself, thank you. With that being said I suggested to him to extend the comp. through June just to piss you little bitch whores off even more... Oh, Ash will you please extend it. All you anonymous bitches show you pussy faces post your name...
Love your local mother fkr,
Screw you buddy. It is unfair to the top 3 who have worked their asses off to get screwed with an extra 2 days in a competition because Ash has a real life. Seriously he makes money from this game so the next person who says stupid crap about that is f-ing retarded. End the comp and give us our bloody prizes we f-ing earned.
It's an extra day. I don't know what everyone is whining about.
It is two extra days. Learn to read; comp was supposed to end yesterday at reset it now ends tomorrow (wed) at reset, that is 2 extra days. You haven't done the comp all bloody month to get screwed on the last day. So unless you are in the top spots STFU.
Wow. Such hostility.
My wife called it yesterday. Said she didn't think it was going to end yet. You're getting too predictable in failing to meet your own deadlines, ashy-poo. XP
I can't believe some of you guys are whinging about the comp......Okay Ash may make money out of this game, but if your so wound up then don't play it.....Simple.....I'm sorry Ash that some people are so ungrateful......
OK I wasted every turn I had every day for a month and not getting shit for it, do I give a fuck... NO.. It is a game who cares. Now if you were pumping thousands of dollars or what ever your currency is into it and it made difference that you paid and it is costing YOU money then maybe you have a reason to be a little bitch(but then again it is still a game), but infact the game is FREEEEEEE, So shut the fuck up wait 2 days spend another 1400 or so turns (like it is that hard to do) and you still win. Cry me a fucking river booo hooo I want my prize :( :( :( god damn retards....
~Once again your friendly mother fucker
You had to figure that something unexpected had happened since it didn't end when it should've--I'm just going to try and stay in my spot and have a good of a finish possible.
While I'm personally disappointed that I can't start my training up again, it's just 2 days. If you were feeling like crap you wouldn't want to work either so give it a rest, it's not like you have any choice but to accept it or leave RoB, so choose one and let this go. It's not likely you'll leave, you'll probably just keep w/ the anonymous posting.
If it's important enough to you to bitch about, have the guts to put an identity to the complaint.
omg these comments didnt half make me giggle ><
I swear I have noticed that no matter what the man does, it is never good enough for some of you! I would hate to know some of you in rl cuz' you would get on my nerves with all this down shit, the no matter what good happens to me its never good enough, boo who woe is me bs. If you are that unhappy with the whole game and such, why do you keep playing? Why not just make room for some other players that would appreciate when someone does something nice for them , and works hard to give us a great game to play, and give the rest of us especially Ash a break from the constant moans and groans of your bs. Complain if its actually something worth complaining about, not just cuz you hate your life so dang much.
I woke up yesterday morning and thought "shit I didn't close the competition". I had a complaint from one of the top 10 saying they dropped 2 places overnight because they didn't bother doing it after midnight, this wouldn't have been fair if I was to just end it when I woke up. That's why I extended it until tonight which I'll be online to finish.
You have no reason to explain what happened to these children we all have lives to live, and you are no exception to this.
Except these children seem to think RoB IS life aww whats new there
I swear I will bust a gut with hysterics if Ash can't get online tonight to end it... The fallout will make me laugh sooo hard.
Half tempted to extend it another week lol
Guy's a sadistic masochosist..
No wonder Erella had a mini-pms fit, her husbands the one coming in second XD Awww...GEEZ plasma whore, don't cry.
DO IT ASH!!!! I have no problem wasting turns, and it is keeping me entertained which RoB has not done in a while....
Hey Ash, noticed there isn't a new blog for all the new updates yet, so I thought I'd post here. Thanks for the extra 10 days of VIP+ on the packs, sad it wasn't added in the first place. I'm guessing they didn't sell as well as you'd hoped. Any chance of crediting people who bought a pack in the last two weeks with some extra days? :P
-Anonymous, fkers* ;)
Interesting article!!! I am habitual of phone sex. If any girl is there; call me up, I can stay longer in bed.
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