As I said this morning for those who missed it, the servers needed to be moved a couple racks down, the downtime was only 4 minutes which is good but everything should be back to normal now. Please let me know if theres any problems.
Oh, setup a new blog layout too!

As for the World Cup match today... go England!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
I know about the reset not working this hour, no need to report it :)
Go England!!!!! Thank's Ash :P
The layout is cool but the pic is kinda weird
So is this why the killing is delayed at the TOH?
Um no revive? :(
Nice Ash.
Stamina doesn`t replenish in SV
clock hasnt reset yet :/
No stamina in SV being regained. Feeds in vadenhill not refreshed. Auto-Revive on Top of Hour didn't work.
Did everyone get turns? seems like the mechanism that executes events is busted. Good luck ash!
Go Africa!
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