Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Xbox Competition winner, June competition announced & trade your gems!

Hey all,
I wrote a small algorithm to pick a winner for the xbox 360 competition.
The winner is:
 Lord Haku Blackheart (348619)

2nd and 3rd prizes of 10 plasma are:
Rez (153767)

Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to all who took part.
Now how about a competition for June? The reason why I'm so late in announcing it is because I was going to do a World Cup based competition, but as that would just be a gamble type competition, it won't work too well. So i've decided (as suggested) to run a competition creating a competition. In other words, this months competition winner will get a prize for suggesting the best competition for July! Head over to the forum post to post your ideas. (One post per players), you can submit as many ideas as you like in your post. The best competition that I pick will win:

 1st place - 25 plasma, 100 VIP Days, 50 VIP+ Days
 2nd place - 15 plasma, 50 VIP Days, 25 VIP+ Days
 3rd place - 5 plasma, 25 VIP Days, 10 VIP+ Days

2nd and 3rd place prizes are given to two more ideas that I like also and might use in the future. Good luck.

As for those gems you've got stashed, head over to the gem store in the  Dead City to cash them in. Some layout changes to the underground to accommodate these gems will come about soon.

Thanks & enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Congratz to the winners :) It'll be interesting to see what ideas pop up for future comps...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Ash! I take it Gems will be available ongoing in the Underground

Anonymous said...

iphone 4 FTW!!! next prize!

Rez said...

Thanks for the Plaz, Ash. I didn't even know there was a 2nd & 3rd prize. Bonus. :)

Anonymous said...

Yay, Ive never won anything, never, well only on football pitches, that was the only place I did win , until now. Thanks Ash :D

Rez said...

Ash, does the turn cap apply to the gems traded?

Anonymous said...

who won the survey competition or has that not been drawn yet? or did i miss the post for that?

Anonymous said...

don't worry just found the winner of the survey, sorry lol

DarkAsh said...

Turn caps still apply.

Anonymous said...

I think that ash does the prizes is great :)

Adelaida Midnigh

Anonymous said...

kudos winners

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