Thanks to everyone who took part in the recent coven battles. We've got the data we want and will implementing and releasing (hopefully) tomorrow version 1.1 for another round.
I wouldn't go on what you've seen today (blood-wise) as changes will probably effect the results in the next battles.
We'll be addressing and making compromises to some of the key issues as well as adding new features & fixing the bugs that came up this time round (enjoy the free exp). Further explanations of the compromises will come tomorrow.
Thanks again for taking part & we look forward to giving you an even more more fun in V1.1
Thursday, 24 June 2010
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Yay! That was fun!
Can`t wait to see the new updated version!
thanks Ash , so this time you did not reset the blood tally.. correct..?
Can't wait for round 2 *dings the bell*
Cool - can't wait till I make the next coven war... I just hope it didn't screw up my master plan!!!
*looks wit hevil in his eyes*
Well, anyway I am VERY Glad you fixed the bugs, and added some new features!
I still strongly, STRONGLY suggest corrolating coven experience rather than blood. It's just more fair, because coven experience isn't weighted with people of higher rank the way blood is. Not to mention, smaller covens seem to be favored in this, as larger covens have way more targets to hit than smaller, so a small coven of 1 can take out ANY large coven. Any. Easily. They may not get much experience, but they would very, very rarely lose.
And to fix the "favoring smaller covens" deal, could always make it to where you can ONLY battle people within your own tier. Smallers aren't being picked on by largers, and the smallers aren't having an advantage with targets. So it's fair both ways.
it sucks
uhhhhhhhhh no money from this kind of coven war?
I am noticing one tactic is to kill one's own coven before setting out after the enemy...wouldn't it make sense to set coven permissions to permanently not allow inter-coven killing as in war that would truly make no sense to kill your army leaving it all to one champion.
~Stumbles in exhausted, soaked in blood and gore stuck to clothes and body~ I want to personally thank the GREAT people of Deviants of Antioch's personal commitment and precision team play in helping us staggeringly win against Fallen Angels. I could be prouder of these numbers.
2010-06-23 19:55:54 - Deviants of Antioch (DOA) VS Fallen Angels (42,816 vs 7,245)
Virtual Beers, Tequila, wine, and blood laden food for ALL. Much love from myself for making all of us proud to be part of a group willing to take no prisoners
I meant could NOT be prouder of the numbers and for the record... we were matching tiers of group II
hoo rah!
this is a weekly event. how is anybody able to advance there skills(train or complete achievements). if they have to battle 72 hours every week. (the 72 is more like 96 so one has the most turns going into battle). i suggest making it twice a month event.
I myself couldn't be prouder of my family, they worked together throughout the whole war. By the way killing your army then going out and killing your enemies isn't a bad thing. we have a switch that turns on and off the kills with in covens. your just mad cause you cant kill fast enough buddy. :p This new feature is wonderful now we don't have to worry about who we kick from covens because stats aren't an issue anymore. Ash you and spot did a wonderful job in aiding us agaisnt buds. not only buds either doing this well even out and maybe even equal out the mass of scattered lone covens. however I do believe it should be made were you may only attack covens of the same tier. Chears to all the new wars to come. ooh!! rah!!
- One Happy Father -
Pfft, stupid new war system!
The Daily Attacks would have yielded my coven 160,500 Coven EXP over a 3-day period. But now we gain nothing per day. To make things even worse, we don't even get to keep the Coven EXP we've earned via battling.
What a waste... If this penalty crap isn't fixed, then I'm going to advise all of my members not to Battle. There's no point in battling if we don't get to keep our Coven EXP.
To the person who mentioned inter-Coven killing. It would make no sense in a regular war for sure, but Vampire wars are not regular wars. I think the ability to revive from death would change the way regular wars go, wouldn't you?
Tactics are tactics. Even running away is a tactic.
72 Hours is too long
"we don't even get to keep the Coven EXP we've earned via battling. "
What are you on about? You still keep the exp from the battles. Hence why this is even better because people are battling more which means even more EXP from battles than you'd usually get!
Yes, but the whole war system still needs thinking over. a small coven of like... 20 beating a big coven of 700 or something, its not right. It should be battle your own teir or the teir below or above you. Not 10 teirs above you.
Your coven keeps the coven exp that your members earn when they are out fighting the other coven. Also, the amount of exp you win from a 3 day battle is, depending on who you beat, about the same as if you won 3 battles in the old system. Though, that obviously depends on who it is you are attacking... And if you win.
what this new war system will produce is new covens of a very few strong ppl declaring on large covens...pretty exciting don't you think?
lots of talk about ppl forming new covens of 2~3 ppl now :)
If they do that Anonymous (the one above me, damn people not putting their names), they will be completely screwed once V1.1 is released.
I cant wait till the new system is complete and fully underway nice job on making the game more interesting and tactical
Hopefully these "changes" are of great quantity.
The strategies and counter strategies that I saw employed proved that people are at least trying to adapt to however these wars are run. It appears many of us will have to do some restructuring, politicking, and some public school math. The potential this new feature has provided is limitless. I've had a nap and have my caffeine ready... bring on V1.1. ;)
Psssst spot, the one that was above you put their initials. And that was K.A. That stands for Kinky Alaron. Pay attention next time.
PS: is this a type of way to bring DOWN the big covens such as Stormhaven and Buds?
No just imagine if you could kick people from the coven without having to eat the armor.
A 1 player noob that cant be attacked for 7 days would make the strongest coven now
Anonymous said...
what this new war system will produce is new covens of a very few strong ppl declaring on large covens...pretty exciting don't you think?
lots of talk about ppl forming new covens of 2~3 ppl now :)
25 June 2010 01:36
Aftershock "Spot" said...
If they do that Anonymous (the one above me, damn people not putting their names), they will be completely screwed once V1.1 is released.
25 June 2010 01:41
Pay attention next time.
The whole surrender thing I find slightly bothersome. I declared against a same tier coven at the beginning of the week. I walloped them good, too. They surrendered very quickly. I got a decent amount of experience for the time and effort expended... but then I have to wait for almost a week to declare war. The difference between the exp I earned from this war and what I would have earned from the old battle system is enough for concern, to me (it seems about half, although I don't have any numbers to back it up).
"Whiz, old boy," you might say. "Surrendering allows for the defending coven to save themselves some exp and takes the stress off its members. This whole scheme was carefully considered and points x, y and z explain in detail the whyfore’s and howto’s.”
My suggestion is to simply control the surrender option to limit it in some way. I know a coven only has two white flags, but maybe the conditions of the surrender should be checked as well. A time limit would be a good start. If I spend 6 days battling a coven, and then they surrender and I lose out on half the exp, that is just wrong. A coven should only be able to surrender within a day or two of having war declared against them. If the attacking coven secures a victory via a surrender, then that coven should be granted another attack, with a limit of one per week.
6 days battling a coven? You know wars last 72 hours, right?
Damn I hate acting the fool.
Please disregard my whole post.
*Goes to see doctor about Foot In Mouth Syndrome*
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