Friday 28 March 2014

Revisited: Spring Valley [Updated]

Reading the title of this post, I can only imagine the different reactions that are going off in people's minds. But yes, the much loved Spring Valley is finally getting a makeover.  The general censuses of Spring Valley, is that the blood pay is pretty good, but people just hate how often those pesky humans with their plasma launches get a shot in before you can open your mouth and say "hold on there matey". I have spent some time making it less painful.

Spring Valley Stats

For those of you who love stats as I do, here's a few about Spring Valley to date. There are some things I keep stats of and log, but I always forget to go look them up. So I was surprised to see the stats of Spring Valley. For the amount of dislike it gets, people sure do use it a lot.

Total hunts: 20,528,441
Total blood payout: 987,093,112 blood

Spring Valley Updates

The changes that have been made to Spring Valley today are as follows.

  • New House Images - I have decided to keep the old ones, but there are also new house images thrown into the mix.
  • More Houses - Before there was 2 rows of houses, with a cathedral at the end. Now it goes a little deeper, with more houses after the cathedral, and something else at the end of those.
  • Cathedral - The cathedral now has a permanent bloody use.
  • New Way To Browse - Before you were given a list of all the houses. Now I've made it so it feels more like you're walking through Spring Valley, where you can pick off houses as you pass them by. 
  • Quick Options - You can still click on the houses to enter them as before, but I've also added a quick drop down menu when outside the house, to make your hunting faster.
  • Customisable Default - With the quick option above, there is a settings page on Spring Valley which allows you to set the default of which action to take while outside the house.
  • 2 New Hunt Options - Before you had sneak in, walk in, and run in. Now there are 2 more.
  • More Stamina - You gain Stamina the same way as before, being located in Spring Valley whilst alive. But the potion shop has been updated, and they pay out more with each purchase. A shortcut to use your Spring Valley Trik's potions is also available there.
  • Pesky Humans - Reduced chance of getting caught by 25% 35%.
  • Empty? - Reduced change of finding an empty house by 25% 35%.
  • Multiple Stamina - To make Spring Valley slightly less time consuming for those who want it to be, there is now a 2x option. Which uses twice the stamina, for x1.8 of the reward. There is also a VIP option for x3, and a VIP+ option for x4. Full information and payouts are explained on the Spring Valley's Help/Guide page.
  • Speed? - It now tells you how much speed you need to have to hunt certain houses.
  • Layout - The overall layout has been updated and improved quite a bit.


I have made a couple more tweaks included with the above after 18 hours of watching people play Spring Valley. Here they are:

  • Fixed a bug that wasn't applying the the 25% less chance getting caught and finding empty houses. And reduced it a little further again.
  • Shortcut at the bottom to get back quickly to house #1.
  • Information and services section now appears when you're dead.
  • Hunting skill now multiples with the stamina multiplier.
  • Shortcut link to VIP heal when you're dead.
  • Your stats section added to top hunters page & formatted the page better.
  • Fixed a few typos.

Thanks for all the feedback so far, keep it coming.

Please report any bugs in the forum or in a BL to me.



Unknown said...

Omg Ash, i love you! Best changes ever!

Unknown said...

You couldn't wait until the new day to release it? Just had to wait until after I already got my 100 hunts :P Looking pretty damn cool!

#781107 said...

Dude!!! rock on Ash, nice changes.

Unknown said...

Loving the new spring valley, soooo much better. :D Thanks, Ash!

Carlos Lincoln Marks said...

It is nice. It looks like chess without chessboard.

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