Saturday 20 September 2008

We need you!

I've had a pretty busy weekend, thus not being able to work on much. Been having trouble getting my Uni stuff sorted, which is a pain in the ass. And had a job to finish off for someone else. The underground is coming along nicely, and should be more interesting that what it is now:)

Suggestions, suggestions, i need you guys to tell us what you want in the game, or what you think could be improved. I cannot give you what you want unless you tell me what you want to see. If you have any ideas please post in the suggestion forum (, i read all posts, all ideas that will fit, i will do :)

For those that have not yet noticed, we hit a total of 80,000 signups today. Which is awesome! I cannot wait untill 100,000! Thanks to everyone who invites their friends and for donating to help support advertising RoB around the web. Keep it up!


Anonymous said...

Ok here is a suggestion:Why not have a few more people on the ACT.

Anonymous said...

Ok suggestion: Why not have more
types of weaponry other than the
what we have.. like a dagger or something...

†Nixdorf† said...

1. Add more blocks for VIP Members, like 100 instead of 50.

2. (You probably already have this in the works) Coven Weapon/Armour lending.

3. More Quests Please? Definitely something involving Spring Valley.

Anonymous said...

Coven Leaders to send mass blood letters.

Guildythewicked said...

1)Quicker way to delete Bls.Maybe more than 25 at a time. Please.
2)Allow coven chat Mods to ban people from chat.
3)Private invite only coven chat rooms.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the power to delete people from chat would be very useful.

Anonymous said...

How about making MP's more useful. 50 turns to get one mp and you can only trade it for 3? Doesnt make much sense.

Anonymous said...

treat players with more respect. that would go a long way toward making the game more enjoyable. if you need an example check out torn city. the staff there answer questions without cussing degrading or ignoring all together what their members say/ask. that would be the first thing i would fix. If staff cannot do that then they should not be staff.

Anonymous said...

Yeah what that guy said.

†Nixdorf† said...

To alter the player deletion from chat, if you could make it so that VIP (or anybody, up to you) as the option to 'mute' up to 10 people from the chat.

Someone could stay in there, and not be offended by another person.

Guildythewicked said...

Agree with †Alohamora† on the mute thing.

Guildythewicked said...

Sorry to be a pest but: I was just donating equipment to my coven. And I found it time consuming since we can only donate one at a time, then hit back. If you could do something like the Resell Shop. That would be wonderful.

Anonymous said...

A way for us to do something about equipment theft after the member doesn't acknowledge the request for their return. This way covens don't have to keep warning eachother about it through BLs.

Anonymous said...

Highest Stats; on top covens :)

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