Tuesday, 23 September 2008

MP, turns & underground

Okay, lets start with the underground. It is almost complete :) I've gotta run some tests and maybe add a couple more things in, but it will more or less complete and will be released in the next couple days, if not, the end of this week if all goes well.

MP, finally MP is going to go. (I know i've been saying for AGES i'm going to get rid of it, but i really am this time :P). This sunday night i will be removing MP completly, you have until then to sell or trade in what you have. There are 2 reasons for this, one explained in the next paragraph, the other for a new feature, with vampire powers, coming into play which will replace it.

Turns, i'm getting rid of all ways to get turns other than the hourly turn rate. This includes, alignment, and plasma trades. Something else will be rewarded instead of turns. The exception to this is a new feature coming out soon, you'll know about that later. This will help keep cheating down, and of course getting MP will help that too. This will happen Sunday also.

Until then, you'll have a new underground to play with a maybe a new weapon system thought out. Enjoy :)

Not reading the blog is not a valid exuse to not selling your MP in time. It's made clear on everypage on the site when a new blog subject has been posted, and on the main page it states you should read this to keep in the loop of what's happening. So that exuse will not be accepted:)


Anonymous said...

ahhh i am looking forward to sunday :) cant wait.

†Nixdorf† said...

Wow, everything sounds great, good thing I didn't waste my turns zapping people today for the achievement ^_^

Can't wait to see what you have planned :)

Jeffrey said...

Damn it Ash! Now how am i supposed to get extra turns to kill?

Guildythewicked said...

Does the turns thing include voting going away?

DarkAsh said...

No, voting will stay.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, i can't wait to start playing again.

Anonymous said...

1 Question...if you are getting rid of MP, who is going to want to buy it? what else can you do with it? and also, if no one buys it, will you buy us out (as long as it's listed)? sorry, i guess that was more like 3 questions...

Anonymous said...

How does getting extra turns create an opportunity to cheat? Is what alohamora said correct.... since your getting rid of mp does that mean your getting rid of the achievement for 25 Zaps?

Anonymous said...

What about the statue? Since we can not trade in alignment anymore, are you going to replace withs something else?

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