Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Voting Cont. & updates

More people seem to be voting now which is good, i will watch it over the next week and see how it is going, and take any action if needed. The underground is about 50% complete, please keep posting your ideas in the forums, if i like it, i might just add it in :)


Jeffrey said...

see Ash, you only have to ask <3
i´ll try to remember keep voting :)

Anonymous said...

glad to hear the news on the underground.

†Nixdorf† said...

You thinking about creating an Ungerground counter? It could be like a boasting thing. On the Profile : Steps Taken in underground - 45,659 (not that insane number, but Meh :p)

Anonymous said...

Hey, just to let you know. One of the sites doesnt have RoB set to get insentives. http://www.pbbgwarp.com/vote.php?id=166

Guildythewicked said...

Good to know. It'll be nice to go down there if the rewards are greater. :)

Anonymous said...

people are lazy, some of us are always trying tocheat

Guildythewicked said...

LOVE the new feature in enemy list!!!! Less waste of turns knowing what lvl they are. Thanks Ash!!

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