Friday, 1 April 2011

$400 donated to charity, April fools "prank" & new RoB toolbar!

Action Aid - Charity Donation
Thanks to everyone who bought charity packs last month, we've raised $311.26. Which I'll add $88.74, which will be a total of $400 (£250) being donated.  Click here for more details on the donation. Thanks for all your support. Lets hope we can raise even more for Japan this month. Check out the charity packs and Trik's potion shop for ways to contribute.

Happy April 1st!
Last night, at midnight game time (Which ended at noon today), a new quest popped up where you could earn 100 plasma. I've never had so much fun watching people going crazy over something, some believed it, some rushing around getting as far ahead as they can, some people laughing it off, some people getting upset, some people getting frustrated, some people loving it. Isn't that what it's all about? Making you feel? What was more amusing was me feeding a hope that it could be legit. You had the choice whether to think it's a prank (mainly those who realised what the date was) and those that thought - what if it is a double bluff? What IF you could actually get the 100 plasma?

I can happily announce it was a double bluff. If you would have got to 25,000 steps you would have your 100 plasma and the loop would have ended. To my relief, nobody actually got there, was getting worried when people were getting step crazy. Thanks for being such good sports everyone :) The images going around with people getting the quest completed, and the ones saying they've done 100,000 steps, are all fake.

You could say I feel slightly bad about this, so you can all have an April Fool promocode: yougotfooled


Did you know - Over 500 players took over 100 total steps

New ReignOfBlood Toolbar
For those who've been here a while, a while ago I found this online tool to create a toolbar for your browsers. To sum it up, it was pretty awful. But now, I've found and created a better one. No ads, no nonsense, just the content I want on it.

- A link to the RoB homepage
- A variety of quick links to the most popular pages
- A link to all of Robs social networks and this blog
- Dedicated toolbar search, search for anything in RoB from the toolbar.

There is also a feedback button, please give feedback after install :) I'll add onto it whatever people want. I really like this thing and hope plenty of you use it, give feedback, and make it into a really useful tool. A couple earlier adopters have said they really like and it replaces some of their folder bookmarks. It is currently only supported on Internet Explorer and Firefox. No chrome or Opera support yet. No ads, no viruses just an awesome RoB toolbar.

[ CLICK HERE to download the toolbar for free ]

Enjoy the weekend :)


Anonymous said...

ahhh that was so mean that prank >.< ...but thank you for the promo code

Dark August Night said...

No chrome? *sad face*

I took well over 1k steps... and then it dawned on me. Got me good... very nice one this year!

Anonymous said...

A prank that was actually legit lol good one Ash.

Ekkie said...

What quest? :|

Westmoreland said...


Sofie Arith said...

Glad I only took 54 steps before I thought about the date and asked someone if there really was an end. :P Although it was still the 31st for me, so ha! I win :D Thankies for the promo <3

Anonymous said...

A legit prank? Best prank ever.

Mistress Tasty Pancake(aka.Jen) said...

Well done Ash! <3
I got to confess..I laughed so much and it's obvious that if we want high amount of plasma,we must make some sacrifices..<3
~Blow kisses~

DarthSpongebob 126464 said...

after 10,000 steps i no longer got any green messages so :/

DarthSpongebob said...

and when i went back to the quest page it no longer said "ur next step is.."
it said
Plasma Hunt

April Fools :) .... or was it?

AngelFire said...

Mean, bad Ash. Thank goodness, only took 106 steps, thinking the entire time: "This is so redundant!" Then realized what day it was THERE!
Thanks at least for the consolation PROMO!

Aoife of the Shadows said...

Not fair. I had a good a plan to get there after I saw the screenshots, and figured out with your fake post on that one that the Quest was real. If it wasn't for school I would've finished it. >.<

Thanks for the promo though.

High Priest of Night said...

I was going for 10 Hours and then it stopped at close to 4000 steps, to do 25000 steps would take hours more, many hours, To do it in 12 hours would mean you would meed to take 19.68 steps a second.... ((((25000 * pages to visit =34) /hours 12)/ Mins in an hour = 60 )/ seconds in a min = 60) = steps per sec 19.68 hmmmm impossible...Even refreshing a page or pages at that speed is impossible...

Rez said...

I thought all those things.. It's a prank.. what if it isn't etc... but I say it's BS. I still don't believe it. 25k steps? who is going to do that? It's easy to say now it's over & nobody came close. The best part though is that you called it a 'thank you' quest. or something. :D

Cheers for the code.

Rez said...

Forgot to ask... will there be a chrome version of the toolbar eventually?

*Alucard* said...

love the tool bar great I deal Ash.Thanks for the prome code

Tartarus said...

I was a bit pig headed I was well on my way to that 2500 steps then I got a nasty virus, what a fools day for me. :P

Rez said...

@Tartarus - 25000, not 2500. Would have been a different story if it had been 2500.

@High priest - I'm glad someone took the time to work it out (if it's right), I just couldn't be bothered. :D

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