It's that time of the year again when the Easter bunny comes out and plays. I have added a Easter Vip/plasma special as always, head over to the Buy VIP page for more info. There will be an Easter hunt on the 2nd and 3rd of April (4th April is when the VIP/Plasma special will end). So make sure you are around to enjoy that. (Extra eggs will be added to the VIP packs on those days only). We'll be giving away some tasty treats. (You'll get a treat just by logging in on those two days). Paypal, Google Checkout & Wallie payments only.
Now, we're in the need of some more chat mods. I know doing this will result in the RoB-Bots inbox getting spammed, but we need to find people interested in the job.
Please do not apply if you don't meet ALL of these criteria:
- Over 100 days old
- Active for at least 3 hours in the chat every day.
- Understanding of the rules and the judgment needed to determine when they need enforcing and through what means.
- Friendly to players
We're looking for chat mods for general chat, and the 2 rp chats. Let us know which you want to assist in.
Apply by sending the RoB-Bot a blood letter with the title "Chat Mod App" (if you don't know how to do this, don't apply). An application anywhere else wont be counted or considered. You must tell us why you deserve to be mod and what you will bring to the game. The app should be at least 10 lines of the blood letter box long.
Thanks & enjoy!
Friday, 26 March 2010
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Finally I get a chance to re-apply for chat mod. :] Not gonna make any typos on this one. Yay! Oh and thanks for the new special. Always doing something to help us out. <3 ya Ashy.
thanks ash
Awesome Ash!
Thanks for the Easter specials:) I will as always def. be jumping on that. Oh and just in case I forget and I happen to not be around. Happy Easter!
thanks Ash!!!!! xD
Go Ash!Thansk.(=
Id love to be a chat mod...there's A LOT of rude humor in those chat rooms....I'd like to help.
Awesome I wanted to be a mod for so long!
Drat Im not quite 100 days... :( But then again I dont go in the chat either cos of how rude some people are
oh great, another plasma special.. just what we need. more 10 day old players able to kill everyone in the game. what fun
Little Bunny Foo Foo,
Hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
And boppin' 'em on the head
<3 Riz
ILY Riz, you made my day <3
Nice Easter Special,,,
Thanks Ash,,,
Yay I might get to apply for chat mod! ...Once I'm not so busy. (Business is ending soon. ^^)
Sweet dealll when is the deadline?
Awesome post… I am reading first time…
Let me go for apply first…
I just want to fuck that girl…
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