Sunday, 7 March 2010

March 2010 "hair pulling" competition (Take 2)

Footman645 (40487) has won, congrats.

 Well it seems it was too easy lmao. So i've made it a bit harder and given it another run.... good luck again! Below is the previous blog which still applies....

This months competition will have you "pulling your hair out". I've decided to take a more frustrating approach to a competition this month. Basically there are 5 gates you have to pass, the first person to get through all 5 gates gets 100 plasma!!

Sounds easy right? Nah.

At each gate you get a choice. You must pick a number between 1 and 8. If that number matches the random number generated after you submit your guess, you pass through that gate.

You must do that 5 times to get to the end, and if at any gate you get it wrong, you have to go all the way back to the beginning. (The random number is random with each guess, its not the same number all the way through (well it could be if thats the result of a random number))

Hahahaha, how badly do you want 100 plasma for free?

Click here or head over to the Competition section of the Dead City.

(Also, this is not what was on the envelope last week)

Good luck & enjoy,

EDIT: The number code is only on the first guess, if nobody gets through in a week I'll reduce it to 4 gates (75 plasma prize), then the week after to 3 gates (50 plasma prize) until somebody wins.

If someone wins this time that's it, I will not run it again. And to answer your question, yes I am enjoying this.


Anonymous said...

Shi is first!

Genocide (97285) said...

what if no one gets through all the gates?

Selena D'Azreal Hellsing said...

I swear this thing is rigged!!

†Juggalette Izabetta† (200221) said...

You said a mouth full when you said hair pulling lol. I will get through 4 of the 5 gates most of the time and then loose lol.

Anonymous said...

Ash i swear you hate us all... what the hell is with this comp... it is stupid

Twizz(59875) said...

Plasma... yummy. It's worth the try. ;]

Blood Shard said...

This is going to
make some mad,,,
I don't wont plasma
that bad,,,*smiles*
You are getting Devious Ash,,,:)
Very good,,,hahahaha

Dark August Night said...

*grin* This is payback, isn't it? Your sadistic way of making us all suffer while you giggle. *wry grin* Very nice. And addictive.

Anonymous said...

Of course... statistically with 40k members the chances are someone will get it first try...

Guildythewicked said...

Ok the EEEK! May get annoying LOL

Anonymous said...

I am so excited I think I might shart.

Anonymous said...

i got it to the gate 5 but i guessed last number wrong -.- so frustrating

Anonymous said...

Eeek! You chose 2 and the random number was 7, try again. (You couldn't be any closer!!) Really the side notes don't help.

Selena D'Azreal Hellsing said...

Actually they do. I found a pattern. :D

Anonymous said...

EEEVVVVVIIILLLLL!!!!!!!, but I do think this is extremely halarious, get somewhere and then noooooo i have to go back! gj on this

Legion White Tiger said...

LOL... Statistically with 50K members it can be done, but will 50K members play? ... and erm... good luck in finding a pattern, my own favorite randoms are based on CPU clicks at point of request, not a sequence. :)

galahad said...

Footman won already. Is this over? It seems like it happened within a day.

Anonymous said...

You guys are really stupid if you actually think Ash hasn't already chosen who will win.

mars1637 said...

i need the stuff, whatever i can try to get my hands on.... i'll try my best!!!!!...( im gonna!)

DarkAsh said...

@Anonymous - Someone is upset they didnt win aww *pats*

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