The most hated symbol I've ever seen. Why are you getting it? With the server switch it blasted the page encoding out of whack. Unfortunately, there is no server side fix for this. In order to get it out your usernames, you must head over the account page and update your username to what it should be.
So if your username is showing as [Twizz�] is because there is a ™ there. Grabbing what your username should be.... [Twizz™], and pasting that back into the update username field then updating it will put it back to how it should be.
Thanks for all the feedback with the iROB idea, its definatly something we will start looking into later in the year.
Back to today - FINALLY the lottery has rolled over! Hopefully someone will win big again this week, good luck!
Sunday, 21 March 2010
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SWEETTTT!!!!!! haha thanks Ash
Good to see that its Fixable at least... i kept blaming IE for it... but for once, it's NOT IE :O
Keep up the good work!
Mesayah (227156)
it work one day then the next don't work...odd as shit xD
I'm going to kill that symbol demon!*nods and searches for the symbol demon*
You used me as an example. o.o <333
Haha. And here I thought some people had deliberately put/left the � in their names.
ha ha ha i kinda liked the symbol
Haha, you used Twizz's username, she is probably so excited right now (she's kinda crazy) I wish I was at her house to see her reaction when she found out. (I'm her rl friend, not a freak or whatever)
cool thx ash
I have a crush on Twizz!
Jaws V - The senior years - Just when you thought it was safe to play scrabble. :)
i have to shit
So Twizzy can charge ashy a few plasma for representation? =P
Who gives a fuck about a diamond question mark.
aw man thought we got a new quest:@
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]:
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home/dacpanel/public_html/new.php on line
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Cannot send session cache limiter - headers
already sent (output started at /home/dacpanel/
public_html/new.php:2) in /home/dacpanel/
public_html/new.php on line 2 what is this
Erm, Ash? I try to log in, and keep getting kicked out...same message as above, and that's for half an hour now...
Oh Izzy you should of been here.! LMAO. I was on cam at the time when I read it and the person I was on cam said "why the hell are you smiling so much". =]
RoB doesn't like you either Mr.Anonymous! RoB isn't lagging for me. Pfft. Maybe the problem is the person operating the computer. Delete your cookies and stop looking at porn. =0
fucked up again:(
Problem Loading Page, when i try to get onto RoB it says that
-Kinky Leon Destiny
The server at reignofblood.net is taking too long to respond.
cant get in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant load it
we are all having this problem i bet
--- Kinky Leon Destiny
Still cant get in
-----Kinky Leon Destiny
Still can't get on? come on, someone fix this problem like now. its getting annoying, I've been sitting here for 2 hours now!!
--Kinky Leon Destiny
how long will it take???????
Oh come on, not working again!!!
norazina, the metal girl
This is fun.:)
Still unable to log in though.:(
$2 to read e-mails I have no interest in reading, oh well, patience is a virtue or something...:d
Spawn Iscariot
It appears the Free Mad Games page doesn't want to load either.
What to do now...? :-)
I concur. Not being able to log in when I wake up is unpleasantly surprising. Ash, not a good idea to make addicts and then deprive them. :p
Suffering from withdrawals. Help!
yay thax ash ^.^
Back up and running!!!
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