This week has been the most action packed with not much output, how annoying! For those taking part in the VIP/Plasma discussion it does seem that'll only be Europeans who have to pay VAT. Which is better than everyone! But have to see a VAT specialist next week to get a final answer on this.
Dark August has made an improved in game layout which is finished BUT I am also go to make RoB-Lite version, which will basically be as it is now, just a little lighter for those who will detest the new layout and more friendly for mobile devices, i'll be doing the tests on my iPhone.
October is going to be a BUSY MONTH! So much going to happen and new features added! It's going to be good.
Friday, 2 October 2009
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Seriously, thanks for working so hard at this Ash.
Darkest Greetings Ash ... *bows deeply*
Well am thrilled to hear that we in U.S. won't be paying VAT. :) On the other hand, still think it's a wee bit unfair so hope that they will be rewarded for that increase and the rest of us stay the same. As I stated before ... fair is fair. :D
Sorry the week's been so frustrating; nothing is worse that lots of headache with nothing to show for it. :p
On the other hand, I can't wait to see what Dark has done ... her touch to anything is always rewarding and beautiful. :) And can't wait to see what you bring us in the month of darkness ... leading to Samhain! Woot! Great month to roll out new things! As always Ash ... thanks for all your hard work and everything else that you do for us!
Looking forward to the new hotness.
Looking forward to it Ash. Thank you for the effort you put out for us. Keep on keeping on man. Wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.
Ash! Everything you do is awesome, so busy or not, we'll be patient for any and all changes. Happy about the VIP and VAT, for I won't be paying that extra but, I agree with Slayer and think its only fair they get a little something extra. Thanks for all your hard work man! Keep it up :D
If Europeans have to pay Tax, we all pay tax D:
I for one am glad we all don't have to pay the extra tax I buy plasma all the time if anything ash needs to have more plasma sales every month
Oh no I will have to pay Tax D:
But keep up the good work Ash!
As I have always said; Thank you Ash and Dark for all that you do for us. I greatly,as well as many others appreciate what you do for us. :)
wow your working so hard!!!! i think u need a break yep i think more people should say thanks 4 all your work- (Alice Hale- *Supergirl*)
Thanks for all your hard work, Ash. It is truly appreciated. I can't wait for all the new updates coming! :)
Thanks guys. @ Ekkie, when i get confirmed that only EU players have to pay tax it will actually be illegal for me to charge VAT to non-EU countries. Crazy huh? (Not that i would anyway).
Anyone in the UK is used to paying tax on everything, so yet another one wont really be a shock to the system.
I am happy that all things are coming together and cant wait to see the new stuff thats being added great Job to Dark & ash fro all the time and efforts to make the game what it is Thanks Deamon Whispers
Totally agree Rez.
on your i phone ofcourse you can afford one piece of shit
I am impatiently waiting for the updates, but I can make it :). As for the taxes well what can you do except follow the law and that is the right thing to do. Keep up the great work Ash and keep making the game more and more interesting.
Thanks Ash for the kiss ass game. I'm having a blast and for your hard work. --smiles--
.Cheers! --Passes Ash some Red Bull---
Hey Ash any hints?
damn it >.<
the first UK based RPG ive found,
and i have to pay VAT rawr!
keep up the good work though :)
Hey darkash because of you i have been locked out of the game for something i never did so i am going to quit logging on if my account dont get unlocked by the end of the month signed spacecowboy101
My birthday's this Month. yay me.
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