A feature suggested a while ago was the idea of having Co-Op quests, i tried out a few ideas and see what i could get to work. Now, i have a system set up (and it took longer than i thought it would) of a way where to co-op quests could work.
If you do the 'find a vampire' quest it'll walk you through how it works and how to them. Reputation is earned for you helping someone else complete a co-op quest. It's not trade-able, has no other use AT THE MOMENT, it's currently just a status thing.
If it's liked and works well i'll add them as often as the regular quests!
Click here to post any bugs, your feedback and comments.
& don't forget, 10 days left of the $10 competition!
Saturday, 10 October 2009
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ash, this is epic!!!
now to get someone to do one :D
I'm using my wife for the quests. It's about time she did something other than boss me around and beat on me XD
thanks DarkAsh...work together...NICE :)
This is very exciting Ash! Thank you so much for bringing this new feature online! As they say ... two heads are better than one! :D
Quests are shit.
lol what he said ^^^
Now that was a nice surprise. I would never thought the rep would be for something like this. :P Amazing feature! Thank you, Ash! =)
great now i'm dependent upon people who view RoB as a chat instead of a game in order to get crap done
Quests are not compulsory you know.
This is wonderful news Ash! I'll be looking forward to this new feature being incorporated into an already entertaining game.
I has a stupid question. Do both partners in a co-op quest get rep points, or only the one who accepted the request to help out?
Thank god the feature finaly has a use.
Not a fan of quests but this will deffinatly give them a new edge. :)
Nice work ash. :)
bunch of typos in the blo Ash :p
-RoB's resident DJ-
Thanks for the great updates, Ash! :) Keep up the good work!
thanks 4 the update
Great work ash,can we please increase the 5k sales limit in gravemarket.
eat shit ash like you all do
wow looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the life today. Any rate keep the updates coming Ash glad to see a game that is constantly being improved even some do not appreciate it.
and yet a very nice idea coming from the one, the only, ASH!!!!!...
all hail ash :)
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