Tuesday 7 July 2009

Gravemarket upgraded!!

That is right, RoB now has a new improved gravemarket. There are 7 total ReignOfBlood companies where you can invest your money in, which are:

- Ghost town
- Dead City
- Spring Valley
- Demeters
- Rob Dungeon
- Lottery
- Plasma

You will now be thinking about what is happened to your old stocks? Don't worry! The amount of stocks you had bought in the previous gravemarket has been transferred to the Ghost town stock, which has started on the price that was currently displaying on the old one. Which is $2.

What's changed?
- Obviously it's more in depth as there are 7 different stocks you can buy.
- They reset every 6 hours instead of daily (not set in stone)
- You can own 15,000 stocks total in each company. (Of course the ghost town one will be higher if you had over 15,000 stocks previously, this will not change, it will just sit there saying 50000/15000, this just means you cannot buy anymore)
- You can only sell a TOTAL of 5000 shares a day.
- The gravemarket pages shows the last 7 updates for each company. (Most recent at the top)
- Quick and easy buy and sell system.

I'll let it run for a couple weeks, if the loss or profit is TOO high i'll reduce the numbers and maybe make it update less or more as i see fit. It is BETA so things *could* change. The new one is always completely random, it is not based on anything, it has the same chance of going up as it does going down, so it's up to you to use common sense in where to invest money.

Hope you like it :)



Claws said...


NemesisAlien said...

SO is this market stable?
The old rob market causes some "economic crisis" for some of us who got stocks stuck inside...

Anonymous said...

dont really care for it

DarkAsh said...

Can't comment on stability seeing as it's random

Anonymous said...

Max selling of 5,000 shares per day? hmm... at first I thought, "why" but then noticed they go up/down in large #'s (not just a max of 2)... What are the max # ranges of what they COULD go up or down?

Thanks for the new feature, looks cool.

Aftershock "Spot" said...

Hahaha, "Can we rely on something completely random?"

Anonymous said...

Hmm... 5000 shares per day, per stock, or total all together, 5,000 shares per day?

If it is the second, that kinda sucks.

Aftershock "Spot" said...

In reply to anonymous, I think you'll find how much it can go up/down varies on each individual type of shares. Obviously, the higher cost shares would need to increase more in price for them to get the same profit/loss percentages of those which are less expensive.

Lucidious Rage said...

Looks good!

Thanks for the new feature :)

EatME said...


DarkAsh said...

5000 TOTAL a day. Makes people spend more time on it and watch carefully rather than dumping in and hoping.

Paradox said...

Now this is what I call fun - takes a keen eye and a sharp mind, plus more variation in a 24 hour period. If the numbers are good this is going to be a load of fun - thanks as always Ash, keep up the good work :-)

Armitage said...

Well, at least you know you couldn't have made the gravemarket any worse...

DCLXVI said...

This is great Darkash . Great work! :]

13Slayer said...

Thanks Ash! New features are looking good; however am not one who knows much about markets, other than they trashed the world economy!!! lmao Hopefully can get the hang of this new one more ... and learn at the same time. Well done and can't wait for all the other new goodies! ;)

lorddread said...

Awesome work Darkash

Vinushka said...

This is excellent! More suitable to the way stock market actually works, more variable, more interesting, and therefore more fun! Thanks Ash as always for the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hey the gravemarkets awsme i bet u could make a killing in there!!!

NemesisAlien said...

I just wondering is your market based on the UK market?

superduke00 said...

So how is the max it can go up or down in a 6 hour period???

Elijah Night said...

I commend you on making a rather stale feature more interesting. But an across the board drop on the first 6 hour iteration? Either we're very unlucky, or someone wanted to thin out the general RoB inflation.

Kidding aside, thank you Ash for your continued work.

Phoenix said...

Well it looks great, the only part that sucks is that i have to wait for it to go up till 5 till i can get my money out and invest it somewhere else...

AoD said...

Pretty cool the new market but the selling limit of 5000 makes the new gravemarket just an ilusion since yo can only sell once it's a bit like the older one, the limit could be diferent 5000 stock limit selling for each company or something like that, but still it's a very nice work

Anonymous said...

Pff didnt even notice the sell only 5k stocks a day thing ... that means i have to wait around 10 days .. longer probally if it drops under 5 ..

Lamiacus said...

i don't know about it being random...that kinda worries me, i guess...maybe if there were more of them, and maybe if you could come up with some kind of formula or something that would determine(still somewhat randomly) whether it goes up or down. but what i mean, is that then out of like 15 or 20 stocks, you would have like 3 or 4 that would go up much more often than they would down, and then 3 or 4 that would go down more often, but when it went up, it goes up by more. and then you could have "borrow" stocks, and sell them, and then buy them back at lower prices. and then you would have the rest of the stocks completely random. this [i]would[/i] require more and planning, not what you have now, which only requires pure, dumb luck.

Legion Avalon Moon said...

I have a suggestion. If the updates we more frequent, say every hour, it might help to iron out any teething problems more quickly and also keep the players more interested in checking their performance?

I'd like to have seen the different companies linked to *something* rather than completely random, but nice work Ash. It adds even more interest to already excellent game. Kudos. :-)

DarkAsh said...

It has EXACTLY the same chance of going up or down. Hourly updates is too often, too much money would be gained or lost.

Legion Avalon Moon said...

Ash, I have followed the gravemarket... It was never a big moneymaker, the sums involved generally less that the value of a plasma or two, I truly doubt that more frequent updates would change this, particularly with the new limits. If frequent updates favoured anyone in the very small way that it might, it would favour your more dedicated players... Surely a good thing no?

Legion Avalon Moon said...

I give you a for instance... I find myself with 250K to spare... I buy 50K stocks at $5 each... It takes two weeks for the stock to rise above $6... Hardly a money-spinner.

Legion Avalon Moon said...

If you need a money sink, I suggest that you raise the limits in the casino and introduce some more erm... lucrative games. No-body plays there right now because the money involved is so small... Las Vegas is a big city Ash... and the house always wins. :-)

DarkAsh said...

@Legion Avalon Moon - The gravemarket is not supposed to be a huge money maker.

Legion said...

Ash... You need a money sink, I think you misunderstand me.

Legion said...

I don't want to spam this tread but look at it like this... The faster the trading, the quicker they lose?

Legion said...

*sigh* No... I don't gamble, I just don't, nor do I encourage it... BUT... I repeat, if you want a money-sink, the casino is the way to go.

Legion said...

I repeat... the new gravemarket is no better than the last, perhaps in some ways merely a confusion of what went before. Link the different areas to those that they are supposed to represent and I'll be impressed, otherwise it's just an un-neccessary level of complexity.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that the gravemarket had some work done to it. The 5,000 sale limit makes no sense and makes it not even worthwhile however. I understand the reasoning for a limit, but it should be 5,000 PER COMPANY, not 5,000 total. So A+ for effort, but it still is a waste of time, IMO. Sorry :(

Anonymous said...

@ legion LOL! "the gravemarket was never a big money maker" thats about the least true thing I've ever heard. idk who you are or when you joined, but it used to be a HUGE money maker, considering it would range from 4 to like 200.

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