Tuesday, 1 July 2014


New Payment Methods

On our previous blog post, we released a whole new load of new payment methods, including more mobile phone payment methods, more pre-paid card options, the ability to buy Subway or Burger King giftcards to buy VIP etc with (which I still find awesome) and lots more! I've had a bunch of people thank me for setting it up because for some people its hard to get hold of a debit/credit card, and I'm glad many of you are taking advantage of the new options. To read all about it, you can click here.

New POWER Hour

For a while now people have enjoyed the random blood hour, where one random hour each day, all PvP blood rewards are doubled. Battling in this hour also using potions and other boosts, can yield amazing results. Now I'm taking it one step further. Blood hour is now POWER HOUR.

There will now be 5 different hours in the day when a boost might pop up. Here is the list:

Blood Hour: +100% PvP Blood
Light Blood Hour: +50% PvP Blood
Coven Hour: +25% PvP Coven Exp
Minion Hour: +1 Minion Exp
NPC Hour: +25% NPC Blood

War Of Covens Double Exp

Next week, all War Of Coven wars will yield DOUBLE EXP. All wars from Monday 7th July to Sunday July 13th will pay out twice the coven exp it normally does. Make sure your coven is entered into a war next week here.



Unknown said...

How will the new hours be listed under misc. stats? All under blood Hour or separately?

DarkAsh said...

Blood hour is still blood hour, but the whole thing is called Power Hour. The +100% blood bonus is blood hour.

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