Saturday, 16 November 2013

Double Weekend Charity Pack

I'm sure you've heard Philippines have had some major bad luck recently. This may be a vampire game, but there is a real world out there and sometimes there are people that need real help in times like this. As I've done before, I'd like to run a little something to help do our bit. I also know we have some players who live over there, my thoughts are with anyone effected.

Double Weekend

I've released a rare pack tonight which comes with all the awesome stuff as well as extra double rewards. These double rewards will last until first thing Monday morning. $5 of every pack bought will be donated to the British Red Cross' Philippines appeal. Alternatively, you can donate directly right here. Hopefully we can sell 50 packs and get at least $250 to donate this weekend.

Get your packs right here.

Thanks for your support and enjoy the weekend.


Galahad said...

Thank you for doing this Ash. This is such a great news.

Lydea Mey said...

Purchased and prayers for those affected!

Catwoman(161237) said...

I am glad we are doing it also. I'm always willing to lend a hand to our fellow human beings where it is needed.

Anonymous said...

Very nice that RoB is a caring community as well as a place to have fun :-)

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