Thursday, 7 November 2013

Fountain Of Awe & More

Halloween Event

I hope you all enjoyed the Halloween event at the end of last month. You can still view the top zombie slayers right here. Thanks to everyone who bought special packs, and thanks to everyone who joined in the fun by doing up their profiles.

Payment Changes

As I've said in the last blog post. Google Checkout is shutting down on the 20th of this month. I have now discontinued them. I recommend you now use REALEX. Realex is our recommended payment method because it is the fastest payment processor, and it support all the payment methods that Google did. We've had a few Onebip problems, and their support is less than useless. I've managed myself to work a few fixes to make it work. But if it's still not working for you, please contact me. If you have ANY questions regarding payments, please blood letter me.

NPC Updates

NPC arena is a great way to earn some blood when some good kills are taken by other vampires this hour. Due to the demand for more ways to earn blood a while back, the NPC Werewolf Arena was added to help, and the over the lifetime of the feature so far has given out 1,169,098,334 blood. Over a billion blood. People sure do love slaying those NPC werewolves. A few updates have been made to the werewolves, which include:

  • High ranks! Powerful wolves up to rank 3000 have been added
  • A new cleaner and less cluttered layout
  • New stats box which shows your NPC stats and total overall blood earned
  • Highest NPC wins and losses have been added to the top vampires page

Fountain Of Awe

The overall goal of Reign Of Blood is to rank up, increase your power and to have some fun doing it. I want you to rank up. I want everyone crazy high ranks. You get more money, you unlock more stuff, and even better, you're more blood for other vampires.

People are ranking pretty crazy high. I never thought when I started Reign Of Blood people would be in their thousands. Lots of people. So I decided I need to start creating some features for those top players, as well as creating further incentives for people to get up there.

Welcome to the Fountain Of Awe.

The Fountain Of Awe is a new location (via the portal) where high ranked players can use the fountains power to enhance a few PvP battle rewards even further. What's great, is they're free, and come with great rewards.

There are options there for vampires who are rank 100, all the way up to rank 2000. All the available options are displayed for everyone to see.

Includes: "Extract Extra Blood" and "Attack on The Dead".

Head over to the Fountain Of Awe, and meet Vestonia there for full details

Little Things

  • New player notes. Leave a note on people's profiles. (These are private.)
  • Workplace and bank links added to Portal. (To get them off every other location's page.)
  • List #4 - 6, 8, 10, 11 & 12 edited for balance. (QP given to all that completed.)
  • List #5 - 6 & 8 edited for balance. (QP given to all that completed.)
  • List #7 - 12 & 13 achievement activated.
  • 750 demon duration quest reduced to 600.
  • Whole bunch of new player & tutorial modifications added.
  • A new player newbie house added.
  • Fixed a general chat bug that wouldn't allow certain characters.

LOADS more updates coming, stay tuned.


F*ROZ*EN said...

Thank you Ash for considering all the players and making the time to enhance items for everyone to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

This totally rocks !!! Already seen the new NPCs and really looking forward to the
Awe-some Fountain ... very nice balance too making something for the high ranks while adding tutorial help for the new players :-) Two Thumbs Up for finishing the Achievement Lists on top of it ....

Anonymous said...

Awesome Ash! I am going to have some fun with Awe!

Anonymous said...

'Highest NPC Wins' Is going to be identical to 'Highest NPC skill', since 1 win = 1 skill. It is therefore pointless.
Also, the 'total blood' is misleading - whilst it is interesting to view the total blood of every single player, it would be of more use to see our own total blood scores.
The combination of these two parts of feedback is: Change highest NPC wins to Highest NPC total blood.
Et voila.

Anonymous said...

Is the Fountain of awe supposed to only unlock with plasma? No free daily turns?

DarkAsh said...

NPC won't always be the same as wins when there are other ways to get NPC skill. The total blood isn't misleading, it shows the total blood that everyone has earned collectively. Your personally blood isn't recorded, so there's no way to display that. The fountain only costs a plasma if you want to do them AGAIN. The first time is free.

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