Saturday, 2 May 2009

Almost free.... so much to do!

So yesterday i handed in my last piece of University coursework, ever. As of next week, you will start seeing some updates on RoB again... i have some free time but i do have 2 exams in May which i should at least spend some time revising for.

Then after that I'm totally free :) I have a VERY long list of stuff that needs to be done/added on RoB, so I'll start working my way through that :)

Enjoy your week!


Anonymous said...

Good luck :) for your exams :)

Erella said...

Good luck with everything ahead Ash :)

Elyne Signius said...

Good luck with exams :D
Does your list include coven mailing? :s

Rez said...

Good luck Ash. Look forward to seeing the results of the long list.

Daisy said...

Congrats on turning in your last bit of's always hard to then review for the final tests...but worth the effort! Best wishes for your finals...

Anonymous said...


Isia said...

Congrats on finishing all of your coursework and good luck with your exams!

Anonymous said...

wooot!!Go College!!

Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK on the Exams. Can't wait to see the Updates :p

Anonymous said...

good luck on your exam ash.. and I can't wait on the next update... :)

Anonymous said...

good luck and have fun.

Unknown said...

Good Luck ash and enjoy your break form class work

ava_boss said...

Wow Good luck with the exams! I am anxious! If I can help you with anything you can find me at the yahoo id:

Anonymous said...

as long as school comes first:-)

Akitsu said...

Study? your smart you dont need to study.

Good luck

Nikolai Blackheart said...

I know you are going to hit the highest score rule as always! I wish you the best of luck and the greatest results possible

Legion of Avalon said...

Rock on Ash. :-)

Anonymous said... name is TheExtremeRiskTaker and i got banned..and i dont know why...can you reply to me please..this is my first time being jailed and i have a feelings its cause my sister devilsdancer got banned.

Anonymous said...

oh this is TheExtremeRiskTaker again..good luck on exams!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on finishing and good luck with your final exams even if they are still a while away. ;)

Anonymous said...

Good luck on exams!!!!!!!!!!!

MoonieB said...

Good Luck!

Rose said...

I'm in the same position Ash, good luck! :D

Anonymous said...

good luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

well dats good more skool...YAHOOO...^_^

Deaths_Dragon said...

G o o d
L u c k
on the test

Lola said...

Congrats on finishing your coursework and best of luck with your final exams even if they are still a while away. ;)

Anonymous said...

Good luc wit exams. Nd u hav done a wonderful job wit diz game. toodles

NemesisAlien said...

Luck on your exams man, get it over and done with and we'll enjoy the happy times on ROB, see you around soon... ^_^

DaMuVS217 said...

Gud Luck Bro...:)

Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK ASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOPE YOU DO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

may the pencil or pen be with you.

yazan said...


indieskaemo_x said...

Good luck with everything, Ash. :D


Good luck with your exams dude.

Anonymous said...

cool!yay i can't wait GOOD LUCK!!!!!

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