When I made Reign Of Blood back in 2006, I didn't really have much idea about a lot things. This has been amazing learning experience for me. When I started it, I decided on an hourly revive system to allow people to be able to play all day long. Of course, I wasn't thinking ahead. I was sat at my Mother's desk, on her PC, messing around and creating a game. I didn't have growth in mind at all. As Reign Of Blood gained a lot of popularity, the hourly resets started getting slower and slower as it had more people to update.In the recent couple months, it had got pretty unbearable. I got advice, talked to a few people, did some thinking and came up with a few theories. I took the game down on evening of the 10th June, worked for about an hour on doing some structure changes, and it paid off a lot better than I expected.
When 59 past hits, you barely feel any struggle at all. I was nervous when top of hour came for the first time after I let everybody back in, but I am so happy it worked out better than I planned. I am super excited everybody can now experience a top of hour that doesn't lag like hell.
There might be a few glitches here and there whilst it runs in the 'real world'. But I will continue to optimise as normal to keep pages as fast as possible.
Little updates
A few little updates I've also done today:- Jailed players no longer appear on 'top vampire' leaderboards page
- Sidebar mp hover reworded
- Fixed a small equipment page alignment issue
- Vadenhill feeds moved to half past the hour
Blog Updates
Blogs are one those features that not a lot of people use. But the people who do use it, use them a lot, and love using them. With over 45,000 total blogs posted so far, I can happily announce a good few updates for them.- Now fully named "blog center". Still can be found from your [social panel]
- Updated and cleaned up the layout on many pages
- Extended the title and mood box, added randomised default mood
- Blog TYPE added. Choose from personal, RP, story and poems to set a category for your blog (you can go through and edit all your current blogs to update their category)
- Up to 5 blogs are now displayed on your profiles (v2 only)
- Updated directory which includes title search and category listings
- You can now select which blog posts you want displayed on your profile with the new profile blog control panel. You can add up to 5
- The profile blog section has been updated and looks much better
- You can now SUBSCRIBE to blogs and get NOTIFICATIONS when a new blog is posted by someone you are subscribed to
- You can now set blogs to 'family only' (family YOU have added)
- Fixed a few small including linking errors
- Private blogs no longer show up anywhere for anyone else
Head over to the blog center now to check it. I hope you agree its a lot more useful and use friendly now.
I hope you enjoy these updates and the improved page loads,
This is awesome. Fantastic job Ash :)
I'm getting back into using my blogs now so this update came at a great time. Keep up the amazing work ^.^
- Avery 164883
This IS exciting. Thank you!
This all sounds fantastic, I can't wait to use the new improved version of RoB ... Thanks for all your work and I'm happy you've been so successful there are demands on your learning curve ... Ash you totally rock :-)
Omg.... for the blog updates alone, I salute you! You DO care! XD Thanks Ash. This totally makes up for the lag... for now. ;) ^^
Amazing, Thank you Ash!
Thank you Ash! Just woke up, and read the new updates, and Love them! :)
You've got some good stuff going on. The blog updates are awesome! Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this game.
Hell yeah!! =D
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