Saturday, 11 February 2012

Valentines Event 2012

Valentines VIP & Plasma special
Naturally the special of VIP and plasma is now on! Check out the buy VIP page for more information. There are also special deals on the ultimate game card, and the new Paysafecard and Onebip payment methods. Packs come with extra valentines goodies too! Don't forget, you can also gift these special packs too.

Valentines section of Dead City
You'll see at the bottom of the Dead City all the Valentines day events and features that are described in the blog post.

Give Love
Give love is a feature for everybody. A "heart" number has appeared on everyone's profile that displays a number of how many times that person has been "loved". Sending someone love costs $2500 and of course you cannot love yourself (in this feature at least). It doesn't do anything, just a bit of love sharing is always nice.

Valentines quest 1
A simple quest the requires you to find out something for a special reward ;)

Valentines quest 2
When you recieve the winning message in battle "You tore out xx's heart", it adds to your heart tally! This quest rewards extra when you tear out so many hearts.

"The Reigning Couple" quest
(I love the name of this quest, too) Enter this quest with another vampire and it will tally both of your ripped out hearts, and the top heart rippers will win.

Custom news message
For a small(ish) fee, you can send someone a loving custom news message which attached is the heart icon.

As well as getting roses to trade for cool stuff from the special plasma packs, you can also earn roses by finding and collecting seeds from Greenwood & trading them at the rose shop.

These idea were taken from a variety of people who gave us ideas on what to do for this event, so plasma will be given to all of them!

Oh, and it's our ACT member Sinara's birthday today, go spam her comments with birthday wishes.

Share the love & enjoy the weekend


Ethan Morgan (499678) said...

Nooooo! It seems I bought the wife and I VIP just a few hours too early. :(

Anonymous said...

Is loving the 'give love' feature although I heard love didnt cost anything ....... guess not!!

Gabriella said...

I love all this love. Vampire's are the the most romantically portrayed species out there, and it's nice to see that we can bring it to our DC community. I love this idea!!!! Great work.

Anonymous said...

A great job again

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