Saturday, 9 July 2011

Project: RAHP & Double blood/points weekend

In case you missed it a few days ago, the pets were released, there's a new July competition, a new charity for this month & even more! If you've not read that blog yet, you should do so by 
[ clicking here ]

Thanks for all the great feedback with the pets. I'm glad so many of you are liking them. Please keep the feedback coming on the thread, I am working my way through implementing the suitable suggestions :)

Double Blood/Points Weekend!
Oh yeah, it's time for another double blood weekend. All PvP battle kills will now give double blood until Sunday night. What else? Points too! All offers/payments on Points Offers 1 will give double the points advertised. This will last till Sunday too.

Project RAHP
I've seen a couple people guess right. It does indeed mean Revive At Half Past. Until Sunday night (to go along with double blood) everybody now revives at half past the hour as well as on the hour. It's gonna be one hell of a blood bath. I hope you've ready for it. (Please note the war reset as moved back from half past to 28 past during this) Please also keep in mind, there will be no more turns given at half past, the turn rate of 15/20 hour still stays.

Please note: If you have the forever dead potion activated, it will not revive you at half past (at no extra cost). It is normally designed not revive you until you hit the hourly reset after you've had one protected. The half past reset will not revive you if you have this potion active, but it will still not revive at the next top of hour as described.

Enjoy the bloody weekend!


Anonymous said...

Right on!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing!!! I loved the idea great idea and a really bloody weekend indead

~Most Unholy~ Alchemist said...

I knew it all along

Isobel Lynn Bellator said...

Whoot, whoot! Thank you, Ashie! <3

Anonymous said...

meh.. prefer the old TOH restore. Get lag now end up losing time waiting pages to load. meh.. prefer the old TOH restore. Get lag now end up losing time waiting pages to load.

Anonymous said...

grr too much lag cant do much between revives.. Bring back the old systemgrr too much lag cant do much between revives.. Bring back the old system

DarkAsh said...

There is only the cooldown lag at 29 past the same as 59 past, other than that, there is no more. Please also keep in mind this is for the weekend only.

Anonymous said...

getting better ....

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